9.2 DF ( Distortion Factor)
Power Clamp Meter can measure DF u p t o 4 9 Harmonic.
DF =
( n order harmonic Current RMS value)
( Current RMS value)
X 100 %
9.3 CF ( Crest Factor)
Power Clamp meter can meas. u r e C
F . CF is the ratio between the value
the peak current and corresponding RMS current.
CF =
I (Peak Curren t V alue)
I (RMS Curren t V alue)
9.4 Peak Max / Peak Min
Peak Max /Min is the Positive / Negative peak value of measuring
waveform. It updates continuously as per measuring waveforms peak.
9.5 Frequency
Power Clamp meter measures frequency from 45 to 65 Hz.
9.6 Individual Harmonic measurement
Power Clamp meter can measure individual harmonic cur r e nt up to 49
Harmonic. Measured harmonic can also be seen in p e r c e n t ( %
) w .r.t.
fundamental current.
9.7 LPF measurement mode
Power Clamp meter have LPF mode for current measurement.
In LPF mode meter measures current below cuto
frequency. The
f f
frequency of clamp meter for LPF mode is 400 Hz. This means
that meter will measure current having frequency below 400 Hz.
Note :
1) If display shows OL then it indicates Current Overload.
Overload. i.e. > 1 020A
Figure 9.3
Note :
1) “----” is display for THD, DF, CF, Freq and Harmonics if current level
2) “----” is displayed for THD, DF and Harmonics if signal frequency is
3) Meter will dis p l a y 0 A if I <0.5 A and in LPF mode meter will display
4) For better accuracy of harmonic do not apply voltage at input terminal
out of measuring band i.e. Freq Except 45Hz....65Hz
0 A if I < 1 A
is below measurement band or applied c u r r e n t is O
L V alue,
10 2 0 A for Power clamp 10 0 0 A and 415 A for Power Clamp 400A
To enter in LPF mode Simultaneously press “
yellow function key
and “
” keys.