Step 1.
Select the [
SPC5 AI Component RLA
] in the project explorer.
A new window is opened with the network list imported.
Figure 18.
Network list imported
Step 2.
Add a new network by clicking on [
Figure 19.
Adding a new network
Step 3.
Double-click on the new network preconfigured with the default option.
Step 4.
Configure the parameters for the LSTM AI-car sensing node.
Figure 20.
Configuring the parameters
Step 4a.
Enable the network initialization data.
Step 4b.
Put a valid neural network name.
Step 4c.
Select the framework used for the training (Keras).
Step 4d.
Select a compression equal to 1 (it indicates the expected global factor of compression
applied to dense layers).
Step 4e.
Select a valid model file path that contains the *.h5 file.
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