background image


[2]  Волтажа и вид напојување МАКС

[3]  Волтажа и вид напојување НОМИНАЛНО

[4]  Максимална моќност на синџирот

[5]  Максимална фреквенција на ротација на 


[6]  Должина на сечење

[7]  Длабочина на синџирот

[8]  Запци/ степен на запченикот на синџирот

[9]  Капацитет на резервоарот за масло

[10]  Тежина (без акумулатор, без лост и 


[11]  Ниво на измерена акустичен притисок

[12]  Отстапување при мерење

[13]  Ниво на измерена акустична моќност

[14]  Ниво на гарантирана акустична моќност

[15]  Ниво на вибрации

[16]  - Предна рачка

[17]  - Задна рачка


[19]  Комплет со батерија, модел

[20]  Полнач за батерија


НА ЛОСТОВИ И СИНЏИРИ (поглавје 15.3)

[22]  ’ОД

[23]  ЛОСТ

[24]  СИНЏИР

[25]  инчи / мм

[26]  Должина: инчи / cм

[27]  Ширина на жлеб: инчи / мм

[28]  Код

a) ЗАБЕЛЕШКА: вкупната посочена вредност за 

вибрациите е измерена со пробен метод 

за нормализирање и може да се користи 

за споредбена вредност на еден уред со 

друг.  Вкупната вредност на вибрациите 

може да се користи и за прелиминарна 

проценка на изложеноста.

b) ВНИМАНИЕ: емисијата на вибрациите 

при ефективна употреба може да се 

разликува од вкупната посочена вредност 

според начинот на употреба на уредот. 

Затоа е неопходно во текот на работата 

да се направат повеќе безбедносни 

мерења за да се заштити операторот: 

носете чевли во текот на употребата, 

ограничете го времето на употреба 

на машината и скратете го времето 

кога треба да се притисне рачката за 

управување со забрзувачот.


[2]  Spanning en frequentie voeding MAX

[3]  Spanning en frequentie voeding NOMINAAL

[4]  Maximale snelheid van de ketting

[5]  Maximale rotatiefrequentie van de spindel

[6]  Lengte van de snit

[7]  Dikte ketting

[8]  Tanden / steek van het kettingwiel

[9]  Vermogen van het oliereservoir

[10]  Gewiicht (zonder accu, zonder stang en 


[11]  Gemeten niveau geluidsdruk

[12]  Meetonzekerheid

[13]  Gemeten akoestisch vermogen

[14]  Gegarandeerd geluidsniveau

[15] Trillingsniveau

[16]  - Voorste handgreep

[17]  - Achterste handgreep



[19]  Accugroep, mod.

[20] Batterijlader



[22] STEEK

[23]  STANG


[25]  Inches / mm

[26]  Lengte: Inches / cm

[27]  Breedte gleuf: Inches / mm

[28] Code

a) OPMERING: de totale verklaarde waarde 

van de trillingen werd gemeten met een 

genormaliseerde testmethode en kan 

gebruikt worden voor een vergelijking tussen 

twee werktuigen.  De totale waarde van de 

trillingen kan ook gebruikt worden in een 

voorafgaande evaluatie van de blootstelling.

b) WAARSCHUWING: de emissie van trillingen 

bij het effectief gebruik van het werktuig 

kan verschillen van de totale verklaarde 

waarden, al naar gelang de manieren waarop 

het werktuig gebruikt wordt . Daarom is het 

noodzakelijk, tijdens het werk, de volgende 

veiligheidsmaatregelen toe te passen om de 

bediener te beschermen: handschoenen te 

gebruiken tijdens het gebruik, het gebruik 

van de machine te beperken en de de 

bedieningshendel van de versnelling zo kort 

mogelijk ingedrukt te houden.


[2]  Maks matespenning og -frekvens

[3]  NOMINELL matespenning og -frekvens

[4]  Maks kjedehastighet

[5]  Maksimal rotasjonsfrekvens ved doren

[6]  Skjærelengde

[7]  Kjedetykkelse

[8]  Tenner / trinn fra kjedepinjong

[9]  Oljetankens kapasitet

[10]  Vekt (uten batteri, uten sverd og kjede)

[11]  Målt lydtrykknivå

[12]  Måleusikkerhet

[13]  Målt lydeffektnivå

[14]  Garantert lydeffektnivå

[15] Vibrasjonsnivå

[16]  - Håndtak fremme

[17]  - Håndtak bak


[19]  Batteri, modell

[20] Batterilader


SVERD OG KJEDE (Kap. 15.3)

[22] TRINN

[23]  SVERD

[24]  KJEDE

[25]  Tommer / mm

[26]  Lengde: Tommer / cm

[27]  Bredde rille: Tommer / mm

[28] Kode

a) MERK: Oppgitt totalverdi for vibrasjonene har 

blitt målt ved å bruke en normal prøvemetode 

og kan brukes for å sammenligne et redskap 

med et annet.  Den totale vibrasjonsverdien 

kan også brukes i en foreløpig 


b) ADVARSEL: emisjon av vibrasjoner ved effektiv 

bruk av redskapet kan avvike fra oppgitt 

totalverdi i henhold til måten redskapet 

brukes på. Derfor er det nødvendig, under 

arbeidet, å ta i bruk følgende sikkerhetstiltak 

for å beskytte operatøren: iføre seg hansker 

ved bruk, begrense maskinens brukstid og 

korte ned på tiden som man holder inne 

akselerator kommandospaken.


[2]  Napięcie i częstotliwość zasilania MAX

[3]  Napięcie i częstotliwość zasilania NOMINAL

[4]  Maksymalna prędkość łańcucha

[5]  Maksymalna częstotliwość obrotów 


[6]  Długość cięcia

[7]  Grubość łańcucha

[8]  Zęby / podziałka koła zębatego łańcucha

[9]  Pojemność zbiornika oleju

[10]  Masa (bez akumulatora, bez prowadnicy i 


[11]  Zmierzony poziom mocy ciśnienia 


[12]  Błąd pomiaru

[13]  Poziom mocy akustycznej zmierzony

[14]  Gwarantowany poziom mocy akustycznej

[15]  Poziom wibracji

[16]  - Uchwyt przedni

[17]  - Uchwyt tylny


[19]  Zespół akumulatora, mod.

[20]  Ładowarka akumulatora



[22] SKOK



[25]  Cale / mm

[26]  Długość: Cale / cm

[27]  Szerokość rowka: Cale / mm

[28] Kod

a) UWAGA: Całkowita wskazana wartość 

drgań została zmierzona zgodnie ze 

znormalizowaną metodą badania i może być 

wykorzystana w celu dokonania porównania 

między dwoma urządzeniami.  Całkowita 

wartość drgań może być również stosowana 

do wstępnej oceny zagrożenia.

b) OSTRZEŻENIE: emisja drgań w praktycznym 

zastosowaniu niniejszego narzędzia może 

się różnić od deklarowanej wartości łącznej,  

w zależności od sposobu użytkowania 

urządzenia. Dlatego, w celu zapewnienia 

bezpieczeństwa użytkownika, konieczne 

jest podczas pracy z urządzeniem podjęcie 

następujących środków bezpieczeństwa: 

noszenie rękawic podczas korzystania z 

urządzenia, ograniczenie czasu użytkowania 

urządzenia i skrócenie czasu trzymania 

wciśniętej dźwigni regulacji obrotów silnika.


[2]  Tensão e frequência de alimentação MÁX

[3]  Tensão e frequência de alimentação 


[4]  Velocidade máxima da corrente

[5]  Frequência máxima de rotação do mandril

[6]  Comprimento de corte

[7]  Espessura corrente

[8]  Dentes / distância entre eixos do pinhão da 


[9]  Capacidade do tanque do óleo

[10]  Peso (sem bateria, sem barra e corrente)

[11]  Nível de pressão acústica mensurada

[12]  Incerteza de medição

[13]  Nível de potência acústica mensurado

[14]  Nível de potência acústica garantido

[15]  Nível de vibrações

[16]  - Pega dianteira

[17]  - Pega traseira


[19]  Grupo bateria, mod.

[20]  Carregador de bateria



(Cap. 15.3)

[22] PASSO

[23]  BARRA


[25]  Polegadas / mm

[26]  Comprimento: Polegadas / cm

[27]  Largura sulco: Polegadas / mm

[28] Código

a) NOTA: o valor total declarado das vibrações 

foi mensurado de acordo com um método 

normalizado de ensaio e pode ser utilizado 

para comparar uma ferramenta com a outra.  

O valor total das vibrações também pode 

ser utilizado para uma avaliação preliminar 

da exposição.

b) ADVERTÊNCIA: a emissão de vibrações no 

uso efetivo da ferramenta pode ser diversa 

do valor total declarado de acordo com os 

modos com os quais a ferramenta é utilizada. 

Portanto, durante o trabalho, é necessário 

adotar as seguintes medidas de segurança 

para proteger o operador: usar luvas 

durante o uso, limitar o tempo de utilização 

da máquina e encurtar o tempo durante 

o qual a alavanca de comando é mantida 



[2]  Tensiune și frecvență de alimentare MAX

[3]  Tensiune și frecvență de alimentare 


[4]  Viteza maximă a lanțului

[5]  Frecvență maximă de rotație a mandrinei

[6]  Lungimea tăieturii

[7]  Grosimea lanțului

[8]  Dinți / pas pinion lanț

[9]  Capacitate rezervor ulei

[10]  Greutate (fără baterie, fără bară și lanț)

[11]  Nivel măsurat de presiune acustică

[12]  Nesiguranță în măsurare

[13]  Nivel de putere acustică măsurat

[14]  Nivel de putere acustică garantat

[15]  Nivel de vibrații

[16]  - Mâner față

[17]  - Mâner spate


[19]  Ansamblu baterie, mod.

[20]  Alimentator pentru baterie


BARĂ-LANŢ (Cap. 15.3)

[22] PAS

[23]  BARĂ

[24]  LANŢ

[25]  Inchi / mm

[26]  Lungime: Inchi / cm

[27]  Lățimea canelurii: Inchi / mm

[28] Cod

a) OBSERVAŢIE: valoarea totală declarată a 

vibrațiilor a fost măsurată ținându-se cont 

de o metodă de probă normalizată și poate 

fi utilizată pentru a compara instrumentele 

între ele.  Valoarea totală a vibrațiilor poate 

fi utilizată și pentru o evaluare preliminară 

a expunerii.

b) AVERTISMENT: emisia de vibrații în utilizarea 

efectivă a instrumentului poate fi diferită față 

de valoarea totală declarată, în funcție de 

modurile în care se utilizează instrumentul. 

Din acest motiv este nevoie ca, în timpul 

sesiunii de lucru, să se adopte următoarele 

măsuri de siguranță menite să protejeze 

operatorul: purtarea mănușilor în timpul 

utilizării, limitarea duratei de utilizarea 

a mașinii și scurtarea duratei în care 

se ține apăsată maneta de comandă a 


Summary of Contents for MP 20 Li A

Page 1: ...e el presente manual ET Akutoitega varrega oksakäärid KASUTUSJUHEND TÄHELEPANU enne masina kasutamist lugeda tähelepanelikult antud kasutusjuhendit FI Akkukäyttöinen pystykarsintasaha KÄYTTÖOHJEET VAROITUS lue käyttöopas huolellisesti ennen koneen käyttöä FR Perche élagueuse à batterie MANUEL D UTILISATION ATTENTION lire attentivement le manuel avant d utiliser cette machine HR Obrezivač za rad na...

Page 2: ...пользоваться оборудованием внимательно прочтите зто руководство по зксплуатации SK Akumulátorová tyčová vyvetvovacia píla NÁVOD NA POUŽITIE UPOZORNENIE pred použitím stroja si pozorne prečítajte tento návod SL Akumulatorska žaga za obvejevanje z drogom PRIROČNIK ZA UPORABO POZOR preden uporabite stroj pazljivo preberite priročnik z navodili SR Akumulatorska teleskopska testera PRIRUČNIK SA UPUTSTV...

Page 3: ...rijevod originalnih uputa HR MAGYAR Eredeti használati utasítás fordítása HU LIETUVIŠKAI Originalių instrukcijų vertimas LT LATVIEŠU Instrukciju tulkojums no oriģināl valodas LV МАКЕДОНСКИ Превод на оригиналните упатства MK NEDERLANDS Vertaling van de oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing NL NORSK Oversettelse av den originale bruksanvisningen NO POLSKI Tłumaczenie instrukcji oryginalnej PL PORTUGUÊS...

Page 4: ...1 2 A B C D E F G J D F K G H H I I L K MP 20 Li A MP 20 Li S dB LWA Art N Type s n 2 6 1 4 5 7 3 8 m s 9 ...

Page 5: ...4 5 3 A B C D A B A B A B C MP 20 Li A MP 20 Li S ...

Page 6: ...9 8 6 7 A A C B C D E ...

Page 7: ...10 11 12 B A B A B A I II III MP 20 Li A MP 20 Li S ...

Page 8: ...13 14 15 16 17 A B D C A A A B A A B ...

Page 9: ...18 A A 19 20 21 I II III A B B A 22 MP 20 Li A MP 20 Li S ...

Page 10: ...A B 23 A B 24 25 26 ...

Page 11: ...d BT 20 Li 2 0 A BT 20 Li 4 0 A BT 20 Li 2 0 S BT 20 Li 4 0 S 20 Carica batteria CG 20 Li CGD 20 Li CGW 20 Li CG 20 Li CGD 20 Li CGW 20 Li a NOTA il valore totale dichiarato delle vibrazioni è stato misurato attenendosi ad un metodo normalizzato di prova e può essere utilizzato per fare un paragone tra un utensile e l altro Il valore totale delle vibrazioni può essere utilizzato anche in una valut...

Page 12: ...A NA ZAHTJEV 19 Baterija mod 20 Punjač baterije 21 TABELA ZA ISPRAVNU KOMBINACIJU VODILICE LANCA I LANCA Pogl 15 3 22 KORAK 23 VODILICA LANCA 24 LANAC 25 Inč mm 26 Dužina Inč mm 27 Širina žlijeba Inč mm 28 Šifra a NAPOMENA ukupna prijavljena vrijednost vibracija izmjerena je prema normalizovanoj metodi ispitivanja i može se koristiti za vršenje poređenja između dvije alatke Ukupna vrijednost vibra...

Page 13: ... της εργασίας να υιοθετήσετε τα ακόλουθα μέτρα ασφαλείας για να προστατέψετε το χειριστή φορέστε γάντια κατά τη χρήση περιορίστε το χρόνο χρήσης του μηχανήματος και μειώστε το χρόνο που κρατιέται πατημένος ο μοχλός εντολής γκαζιού 1 EN TECHNICAL DATA 2 Power supply frequency and voltage MAX 3 Power supply frequency and voltage NOMINAL 4 Maximum chain speed 5 Maximum rotational frequency of the spi...

Page 14: ...avice tijekom uporabe ograničiti vrijeme korištenja stroja te skratiti vrijeme držanja pritisnute upravljačke ručice gasa 1 HU MŰSZAKI ADATOK 2 MAX hálózati feszültség és frekvencia 3 NÉVLEGES hálózati feszültség és frekvencia 4 Lánc max sebessége 5 A tokmány maximális forgási sebessége 6 Vágás hossza 7 Lánc vastagsága 8 Lánc fogaskerék fogai osztása 9 Az olajtartály kapacitása 10 Súly akkumulátor...

Page 15: ...tliwość zasilania MAX 3 Napięcie i częstotliwość zasilania NOMINAL 4 Maksymalna prędkość łańcucha 5 Maksymalna częstotliwość obrotów wrzeciona 6 Długość cięcia 7 Grubość łańcucha 8 Zęby podziałka koła zębatego łańcucha 9 Pojemność zbiornika oleju 10 Masa bez akumulatora bez prowadnicy i łańcucha 11 Zmierzony poziom mocy ciśnienia akustycznego 12 Błąd pomiaru 13 Poziom mocy akustycznej zmierzony 14...

Page 16: ...načina uporabe orodja Zato je treba med delom udejanjati naslednje varnostne ukrepe za zaščito upravljavca med delom nosite rokavice omejite čas uporabe stroja in skrajšajte intervale med katerimi pritiskate na komandni vzvod pospeševalnika 1 SR TEHNIČKI PODACI 2 MAKS napon i frekvencija napajanja 3 NAZIVNI napon i frekvencija napajanja 4 Maksimalna brzina lanca 5 Maksimalna frekvencija okretanja ...

Page 17: ... 3 Bars and chains 16 1 GENERAL ASPECTS 1 1 HOW TO READ THE MANUAL NOTE or IMPORTANT These give details or further information on what has been previously indicated and aim to prevent damage to the machine or cause other damage The symbol highlights danger Failure to observe the warning can lead to the risk of injury to oneself and others and or damage The paragraphs inside a grey dotted frame ref...

Page 18: complacent and ignore tool safety principles A careless action can cause severe injury within a fraction of a second 4 Power tool use and care a Do not force the power tool Use the correct power tool for your application The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the speed for which it was designed b Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off Any power t...

Page 19: ...nt grip You should never turn your hands when holding the chainsaw as this increases the risk of accidents on yourself Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only because the toothed chain may come in contact with hidden wiring Toothed chain contacting a live wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool live and could give the operator an electric shock Always wear safety goggle...

Page 20: ...he guide bar can rapidly push the chain back towards the operator Both the above reactions may cause loss of control of the saw which could result in serious injury for operators Do not rely exclusively on the chainsaw built in safety devices Chainsaw users should take additional precautions to eliminate accident or injury risks during cutting operations Kickback is the result of poor use of the t...

Page 21: ...osal of packaging deteriorated parts or any elements with a strong environmental impact this waste must not be disposed of as normal waste it must be separated and taken to specified waste disposal centres where the material will be recycled Comply with local regulations for the disposal of waste materials When the machine is withdrawn from service do not dispose of it in the environment but take ...

Page 22: ...ated on the control rod E Pruner device used for trimming and pruning trees F Harness a fabric belt which placed over the shoulders helps support the weight of the machine during work G Guide bar supports and guides the toothed chain H Toothed chain cutting element consisting of drive links fitted with small blades called teeth and side connections held in place by rivets I Chain restraint element...

Page 23: ... and have to be assembled after unpacking Follow the instructions below Unpacking and completing the assembly should be done on a flat and stable surface with enough space for machine handling and its packaging always making use of suitable equipment Do not use the machine until all the instructions provided in the ASSEMBLY section have been carried out 4 1 UNPACKING 1 Carefully open the packaging...

Page 24: ...RUNER DEVICE Wait until the motor is sufficiently cold before removing the pruner device To remove the pruner device Fig 9 A 1 Place the control rod Fig 9 B on the ground 2 Open the clamping lever Fig 9 E 3 Push on the stop pin Fig 9 C and remove it from the hole Fig 9 D 4 Disassemble the pruner device 5 CONTROLS 5 1 THROTTLE TRIGGER LEVER The throttle trigger lever Fig 11 A allows the activation ...

Page 25: ...o abnormal vibrations No abnormal sound Throttle trigger lever Throttle lock button They must move freely not be forced and when released they must return automatically and rapidly to the neutral position 6 2 2 Machine operating test Action Result Fit the battery inside its housing par 7 2 3 The chain should not move Activate the throttle trigger lever without pressing the throttle lock button The...

Page 26: ...of them being under tension the direction the branch may go during cutting and the risk of the tree being unstable after the branch has been cut When limbing it is necessary to leave the lower larger branches to support the trunk on the ground Remove the small branches with a single cut Fig 17 A It is recommended to cut the tensioned branches working from the bottom upwards to prevent the chainsaw...

Page 27: this manual must be carried out by your dealer or Authorised Service Centre 7 2 BATTERY 7 2 1 Battery power reserve Battery autonomy is mainly influenced by a environmental factors that cause higher energy requirements cutting trees and branches that are too thick b operator behaviour that should be avoided switching the machine on and off frequently whilst working adopting a cutting technique ...

Page 28: ... clean water and treat it with a suitable anticorrosive spray 3 Reassembling on the machine 7 5 CHAIN CATCHER Check the chain catcher conditions before each use Fig 1 I and repair in the event of damages 7 6 MACHINE AND BAR LUBRICATION HOLES Before daily use 1 Remove the guard par 4 2 2 Disassemble the bar 3 Sheck that machine lubrication holes Fig 23 A and guide bar Fig 23 B are not clogged 7 7 N...

Page 29: ...a dry place protected from inclement weather in a place where children cannot get to it making sure that keys or tools used for maintenance are removed 8 2 STORING THE BATTERY If the battery is not chargerd for a long period of time it must be kept in a cool shaded place without humidity with environmental temperature between 0 45 C NOTE If unused for any length of time recharge the battery every ...

Page 30: ...bles Normal wear and tear Deterioration in the appearance of the machine due to use Any ancillary expenses related to the enforcement of the warranty such as costs incurred to travel to the user s location transfer of the machine to the Dealer rental of replacement equipment or calling of independent enterprises to perform maintenance work The user is protected by his or her own national legislati...

Page 31: check for and tighten any loose parts Contact an Authorised Service Centre for replacement or repair damaged parts with parts having equivalent specifications 7 Battery power reserve is low Severe working conditions requiring greater current absorption Optimise operations par 7 2 1 Battery is insufficient for operating requirements Use a second battery or extended battery par 7 2 1 Decrease in ...

Page 32: ...machine marked with the symbol The same table also provides the specification data for all chains and bars approved for use on each machine Only use the replacement bars and chains listed in the table The use of unapproved combinations may be hazardous and cause serious injuries to operators and damage the machine In consideration that the selection application and use of the bar and chain are act...

Page 33: ... Certificatore N 0905 Intertek Deutschland GmbH Stangenstraße 1 70771 Leinfelden Echterdingen Germany f Esame CE del tipo No OND 2000 14 EC ANNEX V D Lsg 262 2002 ANNEX V Italy e Ente Certificatore EMCD 2014 30 EU RoHS II 2011 65 EU 2015 863 EU 4 Riferimento alle Norme armonizzate EN 62841 1 2015 AC 2015 EN 55014 1 2017 EN ISO 11680 1 2011 EN IEC 63000 2018 EN 55014 2 2015 g Livello di potenza son...

Page 34: ...uluğu altında aşağıdaki makinenin Batarya beslemeli Çubuklu Budama Makinesi çit kesime düzenleme a Tip Standart model b Üretimin Ay yıl c Sicil numarası d Motor batarya 3 Aşağıdaki direktiflerin özelliklerine uygun olduğunu beyan etmektedir e Sertifikalandıran kurum f Tipi CE incelemesi 4 Harmonize standartlara atıf g Ölçülen ses güç seviyesi h Garanti edilen ses güç seviyesi k Kurulu güç n Teknik...

Page 35: ...ltek és szerzői joggal védettek tilos a dokumentum bármely részének vagy egészének engedély nélküli sokszorosítása és módosítása LT Šio naudotojo vadovo turinys ir paveikslėliai skirti tik ST S p A ir yra saugomi autorių teisėmis dokumentą atgaminti ar modifikuoti visiškai arba iš dalies yra draudžiama LV Šīs lietotāja rokasgrāmatas saturs un attēli ir veidoti tikai ST S p A un ir aizsargāti ar au...

Page 36: ...ST S p A Via del Lavoro 6 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV ITALY dB LWA Type s n Art N ...
