MLS/160A – System Reference
D o c u m e n t R e v i s i o n 1 . 1
The MLS/160A communicates via
RS485 in half duplex
mode with its remote station and
uses the following serial interface settings:
EIA/485, 115200 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity (8N1).
Operating states
This is the
reset state
of the MLS/160A. The MLS/160A waits for a
configuration datagram
from the remote station. After receiving a valid configuration datagram the MLS/160A
switches to the MEASURING state. Invalid datagrams will be ignored.
The sensors of the MLS/160A are cyclically polled with the configured sample rate. The
measuring data is sent within a
measuring datagram
to the remote station. If the
MLS/160A receives a
stop datagram
during the time with no transmission it returns to the
IDLE state.
If the MLS/160A is in the IDLE state and receives the
start update datagram
from the re-
mote station, it switches to the UPDATE state and the update process begins. After the up-
date the MLS/160A returns to the IDLE state. Please refer to
chapter 5.3
for a detailed de-
scription of the update process.
Figure 6:
State machine diagram