Note: Once your Voicemail Number is stored under this menu, in idle mode to can simply press
[1] and hold it in to quick dial the saved voicemail number.
3.2 Phonebook / Names
You can store the names and mobile phone numbers in your phonebook.
The SS-T98 phone can store up to 300 names and telephone numbers.
The number of telephone numbers that an SIM card can store depends on the storage capacity of
the SIM card.
Press the [top right soft key] to return to the previous menu function or the [END] key to return to
standby state.
3.2.1 Add new contact
In the standby state of the phone, press the [top left soft key] / [MENU],
Scroll up or down and select [Phonebook] and press [OK],
Press the up key and highlight [Add new contact] and press [OK],
Select [1 To SIM] or [2 To Phone] for desired storage location and press [OK],
Enter the name of the contact under the [Name] section,
Scroll down to [Number] and capture the number of the contact.
Press [OK] to save the new entry
Press the [top right soft key] to return to the previous menu function or the [END] key to return to
standby state.
3.2.2 To view a contact / Search for a contact
In the standby state of the phone, press the [top right soft key] / [Contacts] and select the contact,
alternatively follow these steps:
In the standby state of the phone, press the [top left soft key] / [MENU],
Scroll up or down and select [Phonebook] and press [OK],
Use the Up or Down keys to navigate to the required contact,
Alternatively, start typing the name of the contact under the search field.
When the desired contact is highlighted, press the [top left soft key] for the following options:
1. View:
View the name and number of the selected Contact
2. Send SMS:
Send a text message to the selected contact.
3. Call
: Initiate a voice call to the selected contact.
4. Edit
: Edit the Name or the Number for the selected contact.
5. Delete
: Delete the selected contact.
6. Copy:
Copy the selected contact to Phone or SIM card Memory.
7. Move:
Move the selected contact from Phone Memory to SIM Memory, or from SIM
Memory to Phone Memory.
8. Add to speed dial key:
The bottom right [SD] key can be used to act as an emergency /
panic bottom for quick dialing. When adding a number to this setting, the number can be
dialed by simply pressing [bottom right SD] key. Only one emergency / frequently dialed
number can be stored under this key. Also refer to 3.5 Settings
9. Add to blacklist:
Select this feature to block all incoming calls from this contact / number.
10. Settings
: See list of Settings Options listed below:
1. Memory Status
Here you can view the total number of contacts stored on your SIM Card and
your Phone memory.
SIM Capacity:
Dependent on the size SIM card in your phone. Check this with
your Network Operator.
Phone Capacity:
300 Names and Numbers
Press the [top right soft key] to return to the previous menu function or the [END]
key to return to standby state.
2. Speed Dial
You can select Speed dial [On] or [Off]. When set to [Off], you will not be able to