Transport Information: There are nor U.S. Department of Transportation hazardous material regulations which apply to the
packaging and labeling of this product as shipped by ESPI. Hazard Communication regulations of the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Health Administration require that this material be labeled.
Regulatory Information: OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200: Beryllium is considered a hazardous
Ambient Air Emissions: Beryllium-containing materials are subject to the National Emission Standard for Beryllium as promulgated
by EPA (40 CFR 61, Subpart (C). The National Emission Standard for beryllium is 0.01 micrograms per cubic meter (30 day
average) in ambient air for those production facilities which have been qualified to be regulated through ambient air monitoring.
Other facilities must meet a 10 gram per 24-hour total site emission limit. Most process air emission sources will require an air permit
from a local and/or state air pollution control agency. The use of air cleaning equipment may be necessary to achieve a permissible
emission. Tempered makeup air should be provided to prevent excessive negative pressure in a building. Direct recycling of cleaned
process exhaust air is not recommended. Plant exhausts should be located so as not to re-enter the plant through makeup air or other
inlets. Regular maintenance and inspection of air cleaning equipment and monitoring of operating parameters is recommended to
ensure adequate efficiency is maintained.
Wastewater: Wastewater regulations can vary considerably. Contact your local and state governments to determine their require-
Toxic Substances Control Act: Beryllium is listed on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances.
Sara Title III Reporting Requirements: On February 16, 1988 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule
that implements the requirements of the Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (SARA) Title III, Section 313 (53) Federal
Register 4525. Title III is the portion of SARA concerning reporting on specific chemicals which are manufactured, processed or
used at certain U.S. Industrial facilities.
Beryllium is reportable under Section 313. The Chemical Abstracts Services number is provided in this MSDS. SARA Title Hotline
1-800-535-0202 or 202-555-1411
This MSDS has been revised following the guidelines outlined in the American National Standard for Hazardous Chemicals Z400.1-
1993 “Material Safety Data Sheets-Preparation.”
Disposal Considerations:
Byproduct Recycling: When recycled (used in a process to recover metals), this material is not classified as hazardous waste under
federal law. Dusty or dust-like materials should be sealed inside two plastic bags, placed in a DOT approved container, and appropri-
ately labeled.
Solid Waste Management: When spent products are declared solid wastes (no longer recyclable), they must be labeled, managed
and disposed of, in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. This material is not classified a hazardous waste under
federal law.
Prepared by:
S. Dierks
January 1996