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Copyright By SRC 
Design and Specification are subjected to change                                                                                                                                                                                     




Page 4 































Step 3: 

Stack-up Lower Plate (1), as shown, and 
in-line with the mounting holes of the 
Middle Plate. 

Insert the Countersunk Screw M6 x 16 (5) 
– 4 off from the bottom side of the Lower 
Plate (1), as shown. 

Step 4: 

Stack the Middle Plate (3) and Lower 
Plate (1), with the Counter sunk shank of 
the 4 off screws flushing with the 
countersunk bore of the Lower Plate. 

Insert the Upper Plate (2), through the 
cut-out and clearing the gusset in the 
Side Stand and slip-in the Nut M6 (4) – 4 
off from the top and secure the threads 
in the 4 off Countersunk screws, as 
