Lower Leg Removal
L o w e r L e g R e m o v a l
Clamp the spring side upper tube into the bicycle work stand.
Clamp the spring side upper tube into the bicycle work stand.
Remove the air valve cap.
Remove the air valve cap.
The positive and negative air chambers must be depressurized
The positive and negative air chambers must be depressurized
While holding the lower leg arch and pushing the lower leg down,
While holding the lower leg arch and pushing the lower leg down,
depress the Schrader valve and slowly release air pressure.
depress the Schrader valve and slowly release air pressure.
Slowly allow the lower leg to compress while applying opposing
Slowly allow the lower leg to compress while applying opposing
pressure until you feel a sudden decrease in compressing resistance,
pressure until you feel a sudden decrease in compressing resistance,
then hold the lower leg in place to allow both air chambers to
then hold the lower leg in place to allow both air chambers to
Push the lower leg down to extend the fork until there is no resistance
Push the lower leg down to extend the fork until there is no resistance
and the fork can be fully extended.
and the fork can be fully extended.
Release any remaining air pressure.
Release any remaining air pressure.
Verify all pressure is removed from the fork before proceeding.
Failure to do so can result in injury and/or damage to the fork. Wear
safety glasses.
Spring Side