The Marley MH Fluid Cooler with CoolBoost™, purchased for this instal-
lation represents the current state of the art in crossflow, induced draft
fluid cooler design. Thermally and operationally, it is the most efficient
fluid cooler of its class.
These instructions—as well as those offered separately on motors, fans,
, couplings, drive shafts, float valves, pumps, etc.—are in-
tended to assure that the fluid cooler serves you properly for the maximum
possible time. Since product warrantability may well depend upon your
actions, please read these instructions thoroughly prior to operation.
If you have questions about the operation and/or maintenance of this
product, and you don’t find the answers in this manual, please contact
your Marley sales representative. When writing for information, or when
ordering parts, please mention product serial number shown on the name-
plate located on the access door.
Safety First
The location and orientation of the fluid cooler can affect the safety of those
responsible for installing, operating or maintaining the fluid cooler. However,
since SPX Cooling Technologies does not determine the location or orienta-
tion of the fluid cooler, we cannot be responsible for addressing those safety
issues that are affected by the fluid cooler’s location or orientation.
The following safety issues should be considered by those responsible
for designing the tower installation.
• access to and from the fan deck
• access to and from maintenance access doors
• the possible need for ladders (either portable or permanent) to
gain access to the fan deck or maintenance access doors
• the possible need for handrails around the fan deck
• the possible need for external access platforms
• potential access problems due to obstructions surrounding the tower
• lockout of mechanical equipment
• the possible need for safety cages around ladders
• the need to avoid exposing maintenance personnel to the potentially
unsafe environment inside the fluid cooler