Lying Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
Start: Sit on floor and place Xering
around one ankle
and around arch of opposite foot. Lie on stomach,
place back of hands under chin and extend both
legs. Pull toes of exercise foot toward shin.
Finish: Keep hips in contact with the floor, bend knee
and curl leg upward toward buttocks. Return to start
and repeat.
Side Lift (Abductors)
Start: Stand with feet hip width apart. Place Xering
around lower legs. Keep knees slightly bent. Place
hands on hips or hold onto the back of a stable chair.
Finish: Keeping legs straight, lead with the heel and lift
leg up and out, away from side of body. Keep opposite
hip and shoulders stationary. Return to start and repeat.
Standing Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
Start: Stand with feet hip width apart. Place Xering
around one ankle and under arch of opposite foot,
with exercise leg slightly behind body. Keep knees
slightly bent. Place hands on hips or hold onto the
back of a stable chair.
Finish: Bend knee and curl leg upward toward
buttocks. Keep hips and shoulders square. Return
to start and repeat.
Inner Leg Lift (Adductors)
Start: Sit on floor and place Xering
around lower
leg and under arch of opposite foot. Lie on side and
rest head on one arm and place other arm on ground
for support. Bend the top knee and place foot firmly
on floor.
Finish: Lead with the heel and lift lower leg as high
as possible. Return to start and repeat.
Outer Leg Lift (Abductors)
Start: Sit on floor and place Xering
around lower legs.
Lie on side and roll onto the hip of non-exercising leg.
Rest head on one arm and place other arm on ground
for support.
Finish: Straighten both legs, lead with the heel and lift
top leg upward. Keep opposite hip stationary. Return to
start and repeat.
Knee Extension (Quadriceps)
Start: Sit on floor and place Xering
around lower leg
and under arch of opposite foot. Lie back, supporting
upper body on elbows and bending both legs.
Finish: Straighten and lift knee of exercising leg up
to height of knee. Return to start and repeat.