SecTiOn 4: SYSTeM FUncTiOn and indicaTORS
SPOT is designed to provide outstanding quality and reliability. With a perfect view of the entire sky,
the SPOT is designed to transmit virtually every message. In everyday conditions, the view of the
sky is often blocked due to hills, buildings, or other obstructions so it is normal for some messages
to be blocked. That is why the SPOT automatically sends multiple messages in every mode, giving
you excellent overall reliability. In some modes this means multiple attempts to send the same
message, while in other modes it means regularly updating GPS coordinates and sending a new
message. Placement of your SPOT unit can make a difference. Experiment with placement until you
are familiar with the reliability of your operating environment.
For all functions, SPOT lets you know what it is doing.
Message Sending
Check-In/OK or
Custom Message
Track Progress
Searching for GPS signal.
Message transmission schedule in progress.
Check-In/OK message sequence
in progress.
SPOT in Help/SPOT assist mode.
SOS is engaged.
SPOT in Track
Progress mode.
GPS location fix failed.
Move to a new location.
Last message was not sent.
Help/SPOT assist has
been cancelled.
SOS has been cancelled.
Low battery.
Check-In/OK and Custom Message
help/SPOT Assist
Combined help and SOS
Track Progress
- Messages scheduled 3 times over 20 minutes to contacts on your
contact list .
- Message not sent if GPS location cannot be determined.
- Suspends Track Progress until message is sent, then Track Progress
resumes automatically.
- Messages scheduled every 5 minutes for one hour with updated location
to your friends and family, or SPOT assist provider.
- Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined.
- Overrides Check-In/OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress.
- Messages scheduled every 5 minutes until cancelled (or batteries are
depleted) with updated location to GEOS Rescue Coordination Center.
- Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined.
- Overrides Check-In/OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress.
- SOS messages scheduled every 5 minutes to GEOS Rescue Coordination
Center until cancelled (or batteries are depleted) with updated location.
- Help messages scheduled every 5 minutes for one hour with updated
location to your contacts.
- Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined.
- Overrides Check-In/OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress.
Note: SPOT strongly recommends that you do not utilize Combined Help and
SOS mode, as your friends and family could interfere with rescue efforts;
see additional warnings in the FaQ section of www.findmeSPOT.com.
- Updated location and two previous locations scheduled for transmission.
to your account every 10 minutes for 24 hours.
- Message not sent if GPS location cannot be determined.
SPOT: THe cenTeR OF YOUR cOnnecTed advenTUReS
SPOT is continually working to enhance its customers’ experience and add new services to the
SPOT web service. For example, www.spotadventures.com is a new, fun, easy way to share your
adventures with your friends or with the world. Visit findmeSPOT.com frequently to find out about
new and improved services that make it easy to share your life and adventures with others.
Not all services are available in all languages or regions.
FUncTiOn OveRvieW