Install the foot Pedals (Details)
Follow instructions (a) through (c) to install the details of the foot pedals.
(a) Make sure the middle nibs on the foot pedals (A10) in area L are firmly
placed into the middle holes on the foot pedals (A10). Pull the nibs through
the foot pedals (A10) until they fit snugly in place.
(b) Secure the front screws (shown as m1) on the foot pedals (A10). Insert
the front nibs into the holes on the foot pedals (A10) (shown as M). Pull
the front nibs in place securely.
(c) Secure the back screws (shown as n1) on the foot pedals (A10). Insert
the nibs into the holes on the foot pedals (A10) (shown as N). Pull the
nibs securely into place.