Workout Programs
The following explains features of the workout programs.
This program allows you to manually control resistance. In manual mode,
simply press WORKOUT LEVEL ▲/▼ keys to control resistance, or STRIDE
▲/▼ keys to control stride length.
There are three interval programs: INTERVAL1:1, INTERVAL1:2, INTERVAL 2:2.
Each interval program includes two segments, a work segment and a rest segment.
(Example: Interval 1:1 indicates one segment of one minute in duration, followed by
a second segment of one minute in duration.)
Each time the INTERVAL key is pressed, one of the three interval programs will appear.
When your preferred interval program appears, press the ENTER key to activate that
program. Then follow prompts to set the interval segment resistance settings. After you
begin exercising, the resistance level of any segment can be changed. Simply press
WORKOUT LEVEL ▲/▼ keys during the segment to do so. The new resistance level
will then become the resistance level each time that segment is activated.
Resistance levels in this workout gradually increase, level off, then gradually decrease.
The first and last segments of this workout each occupy 20% of the workout. The
middle segment occupies 60% of the workout. Follow prompts to establish your
workout goal.
20% 60% 20%
This program provides a near infinite number of randomly generated workouts. A
new workout illustration appears each time the RANDOM key is pressed.
In this program, stride length changes automatically during a 20-minute, 30-minute,
or 40-minute workout session. There are three programs: VARI-STRIDE 20;
Each time the VARI-STRIDE key is pressed, one of the three programs will
appear. Press ENTER to select the desired program.
After selection, press ▲/▼ keys to set your maximum stride length when display
shows “MAX STRIDE - XXX”. Range is 17 - 26 inch (450 - 650mm), with a
default setting of 25 inch (630mm). Then press the ENTER key to confirm your