The Dual Mode Display of Swing Speed (SS) and Tempo Time (TT) can be
accessed by pressing the Function Button once after the SSRTT is in the
TT Mode. A Mode Icon will appear adjacent to the SS symbol on the Lens
Bezel and another Mode Icon will be evident next to the TT symbol on the
Lens Bezel. The Units Icon will denote mph, and can be switched to km/h
by pressing the Function Button again. The long horizontal Ready Icon
indicates that the SSRTT is ready for a swing measurement. Initially, the
Display will show two zeros, as illustrated in Figure 8.
Once a swing is experienced, the Display will toggle (alternate) from Tempo
Time to Swing Speed, as previously illustrated in Figures 6 and Figures
4 or 5, depending on the units chosen. However, the TT Mode Icon is the
Decimal Point in the TT Mode, and the SS Mode Icon does not appear
when toggling into the SS Mode.
The same procedure and precautions described for measuring Tempo Time
also apply in the Dual Mode—that is:
If a preliminary clubhead move-
ment starts the Tempo Time measurement prematurely, as evidenced
by the appearance of 00 and the absence of the Ready Icon, you must
wait momentarily until the Ready Icon re-appears (accompanied by
the previous Tempo Time display) before starting the actual back-
swing takeaway.
If the above instructions are followed, you will obtain reliable Tempo Time
and Swing Speed data that will be invaluable in helping you monitor, opti-
mize, and control your swing for your best, repeatable ball striking results.
Figure 8 — Display at the Start of Dual Mode Measurement
Units Icon
Mode Icon
Mode Icon
Ready Icon
Place the Swing Speed Radar
with Tempo Timer about 8-10 inches
(20-25 cm) away from the ball, directly in line with the golfer and the ball,
as shown in Figure 9. Orient the SSRTT so that it is facing toward the
direction from which the clubhead is coming, at about a 45 degree angle
relative to the clubhead swing path. In this position, the SSRTT Display
can be conveniently seen by the golfer in the address position. Be sure
that the SSRTT is not so close to the ball that it might be hit by the club.
To prevent the SSRTT from being hit by a mis-hit of the ball off of the
clubhead toe, be sure that the SSRTT is not forward of the ball.
An alternate SSRTT location for irons is facing the ball, about 4 feet (1.2 m)
behind the ball and about 1 foot (.3 m) off the ball flight line, toward the
club swing path. Divots from irons will not “splash” the SSRTT. Early club
release speed can also be measured in the rear location. However, the
forward SSRTT location is generally preferred for most measurements.
Figure 9 — SSRTT Position for Swing Measurements
10” (25 cm)