1. Starting position
Adjust your speed according to your skills. If you are an inexperienced
“skateboarder”, first position one foot in driving direction in par with the
front wheels. Slightly load that foot, then slightly bent the knee. Then
position the other foot above the rear axle at a right angle to the board.
Remember to always load the front foot, i.e. shift your body weight to
the front. Make sure to always get off towards the front. After a few tries
you will get a better feeling for the skateboard.
2. Initial riding tests
Then try to tilt the board along the longitudinal axis to the right and left
by shifting your weight accordingly. Use your knee joints and ankles to
shift the weight, keeping your upper body straight. Hold the balance
using your arms. To start moving the skateboard, position one foot on
the board first as described under starting position. Then push several
times with your other foot. Once your skateboard has gained sufficient
momentum, position your second foot on the rear part of the board.
Never ride with just one foot on the board. Beginners should avoid steep
3. Braking
Braking at low speed
First position your rear foot next to the board, and then
touch down to decelerate. The front foot remains on the
board until the breaking process has come to an end.
Braking at high speed
Proceed similar as at low speed. After initial braking with
the rear foot, take the front foot off the board as well. It is
important to stop the skateboard immediately after having
jumped off. A skateboard that continues running in an
uncontrolled manner is a danger for the surrounding.
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