4003 Woodchipper
Operating Instructions
Owners Manual
18. Proper protective year must be worn (Safety Glasses, Ear
Protection, Gloves).
19. The tractor must have its parking break engaged.
20. The tractor can be slowed to just above an idle.
21. The chipper must be set on the ground (Level ground only)
22. The PTO can be engaged (Engage PTO shaft very slowly or
tractor will stall. Do not increase RPM’s and then engage PTO as this
could harm the PTO clutch in your tractor).
If the tractor stalls multiple times, and the
chipper rotor does not start rotating check for jams before increasing
RPM to avoid damage to the chipper or tractor.
23. Once the PTO has been engaged and the chipper is operating
and spinning, increase RPM’s to a full 540 PTO RPM.
24. Start chipping small branches first, then chip large branches once
operator confidence has increased.
25. Start chipping with small branches first. If any abnormal noises
are heard, immediately shut down the woodchipper by pressing the
emergency stop (if connected), or disengaging the PTO.
26. If the woodchipper is chipping the branches quickly and easily,
chipping can continue with large branches.
27. When chipping larger branches be aware of engine and rotor
RPM. If a large hardwood branch is being loaded, be aware that the
chipper may slow down and ultimately stop from lack of input power.
If the chipper stops under engine load, it could damage the belt or
break a PTO shaft shear pin. When a larger branch is being feed, pay
close attention to engine and rotor RPMs. If the RPMs slow, pull back
the branch to allow the woodchipper to recover RPMs. Once the
woodchipper is operating at full RPMs, the rest of the branch can be
fed into the infeed chute.