Analog Code
Control Elements
With the BASS control you can emphasize two different
sound colors in the low end. When set to the center posi-
tion the signal is not processed. If you turn the BASS con-
trol to the left you will achieve a warmer and softer sound;
referred to as SOFT. This roundness is symbolized on the
left side of the control by circles that increase in size as
you turn further left. If you turn the BASS control to the
right you will achieve a drier and more percussive sound;
referred to as TIGHT. This tightness is symbolized on the right side
of the control by squares that increase in size as you turn further
right. The BASS control is directly related to the PROCESS control.
The latter determines the amount of processed BASS signal mixed
with the original signal. As a consequence, you can obtain plenty
of completely distinct sounds: a high BASS setting with a low PRO-
CESS setting results in a totally different sound than a low BASS
setting with a high PROCESS setting. You need only two controls
to enjoy a vast array of sound possibilities; all of which can be lis-
tened to and set in no time.
The Vitalizer features a compressor that affects the
low frequency path of the processed signal exclusively.
Neither the low end of the original signal nor the mids
or highs are affected. Thus, the COMPRESSION control
allows you to compensate level fluctuations caused by
the processing of low frequency signals. The compressor
is therefore a very important component in the optimiza-
tion of the processing level. The GR (Gain Reduction) LED indicates
that the compressor is active. The compressor is a so-called “soft
knee” compressor with a smooth curve to achieve almost unnotice-
able sound results. As you increase the COMPRESSION setting, the
compression ratio is increased while the attack threshold is low-
ered. In order to ease operation, additional parameters have been
preset so you only have to deal with one single knob.