The Active switch switches a
relay hard-bypass circuitry for
XLR and jack operation.
Selecting a soft or
a tight bass sound
Control Elements
The Active function switches the Stereo Vitalizer Jack on or off.
It is a relay-hard-bypass function that works on both RCA and Jack
connections. In the event of a power failure the Stereo Vitalizer
Jack is automatically switched to hard-bypass (power failure
safety). To increase the operational safety of the monitor loud-
speakers you should not switch the Stereo Vitalizer Jack on or off
at high monitor volume. At high amplitudes inside the filter, there
may be residual charges on the switching contacts which may be
discharged when you switch over.These may become apparent as
audible click sounds. If applicable, reduce or mute the monitor
loudspeakers before switching on or off.
The Bass control is responsible for the “colour” of the bass sound
your signal is to have. If you move the Bass control to the right,
you get a drier, percussive bass sound, known as Tight. As a result
of this, on the right-hand side of the scaling points, there are
squares which increase in size, in line with increased intensity.
They symbolize the contoured bass sound. If the Bass control is
moved from the center position (0) to the left, the bass sound
becomes very deep, soft and warm. This sound is known as Soft.
This is symbolized with round scaling points which also increase
in size as the intensity increases. The further the Bass control is
shifted to the right or left of the center position, the more inten-
sive the bass sound in question. However, Process (see 4) must be
positioned around 12 o´clock or higher for the bass to be
audible.You can always hear the original (dry) bass if the Bass
control is in the center position.
The Process control determines the processing ratio between
the set bass sound colour and the original signal. This results in
varying bass sound structures: if you combine high bass amplifi-
cation on the Bass control with a lower Process value, you get a
different bass structure than with a lower bass amplification
combined with a higher Process value. Choosing the best solution
is a matter of personal taste and also depends on the type of
original signal involved.