External Inputs
Control Elements
Determining inserts
You can also determine inserts with the EXTERNAL INPUTS keys in order to integrate further,
external devices into the channel strip unit. Inserts can be determined before each processing
module. If you for example wish to insert a unit between preamplifier and de-esser, the pream-
plifier output is the insert send channel and the de-esser input is the insert return.
To determine an insert e. g. between the preamp and de-esser module, press the EXTERNAL
INPUTS DE-ES. key shortly once. The key illuminates pulsating. The de-esser input is now
active, but the signal flow does not leave the channel strip – in contrast to the exclusion of a
module (group). The same applies to all three modules.
Key lock
The EXTERNAL INPUTS keys have a determinant effect on the signal flow. Hence a little
mistake can have a major consequence which one may want to exclude for example in a live
situation. That’s why the EXTERNAL INPUTS keys can be locked.
Lock the EXTERNAL INPUTS keys:
Press the DE-ES. and EQ PRE COMP. keys simultaneously
and hold them for about two seconds.
All EXTERNAL INPUTS keys blink four times and are locked now. The EQ PRE COMP. key and all
other switches are not locked.
Unlock the EXTERNAL INPUTS keys:
Again press the DE-ES. and EQ PRE COMP. keys simulta-
neously and hold them for about two seconds.
The EXTERNAL INPUTS keys blink two times to confirm successful unlocking.
The key lock does not change a switching configuration (exclusion of single or grouped
modules, determination of inserts). If the unit is switched off with activated key lock, the key
lock remains active after powering up the unit again. When the warm-up cycle is finished, the
EXTERNAL INPUTS keys flash four times as if the key lock would be activated for the first time
to remind you of the current status.
Keys and switches
The status of all EXTERNAL INPUTS and EQ PRE COMP. keys is always retained also after
powering off the unit.
The EXTERNAL INPUTS and EQ PRE COMP. functions are operated by keys which switch relays.
All other switches keep their status mechanically.
Faint switching noise can not be avoided when operating the EXTERNAL INPUTS keys, as
the switching occurs during signal flow with relays. However, relays sound better and have
less THD at higher levels than semiconductor-based switches, so we accepted the switching
noise – particularly because an EXTERNAL INPUTS configuration usually is not altered during