If the device is equipped with a backup battery, then it will also report Power
Disconnected and Power Connected events when primary power is removed and restored.
Moving State
A device enters Moving state either due to detection of a hardwired Ignition signal, an
increase in the supply voltage, detection of movement by the GPS, or an “Absolute G”
detection. While in Moving state, the device reports periodically as configured. Both
primary Moving interval reports with full data, and “minor intervals” (with only latitude,
longitude, speed, and time) for data compression can be reported while in Moving state.
Sleeping State
A device enters Sleeping state from Stopped state when all of vibration, GPS movement, and
primary voltage are quiescent for a sufficient duration. The qualifying duration of
quiescence, and the degree of sleep encountered, are controlled by parameters in the
Settings file.
Heartbeat Reporting
The device reports a Heartbeat message at an interval specified regardless of state. If the
device is sleeping when the Heartbeat timer expires, it will wake up and generate the
Heartbeat message. Whether the device attempts a GPS fix for each Heartbeat message can
be specified.