Appendix B: Upgrade/Downgrade Procedures
Installation Option 1: Using the DVD
Getting Started with Spirent TestCenter
Installation Option 1: Using the DVD
Installers for the Spirent TestCenter applications and a tarball for documentation are
packaged in OS-specific files on the DVD.
Follow the installation instructions appropriate for your workstation:
“To Copy Files using a Web Browser”
“To Copy Files using the Command Line” on page 80
To Copy Files using a Web Browser
Follow these instructions if your workstation has a web browser installed.
To install Spirent TestCenter Automation:
Load the installation DVD.
Select the
Spirent TestCenter
link appropriate for your operating system.
This action will result in one of two displays:
Index page with links to the automation installers and the documentation tarball.
Folder view of the two shell-based installers and the tarball for documentation.
Use the standard procedure (for your workstation) to copy the installer appropriate for
your system and the documentation tarball to your workstation.
Run the shell-based installer. For example, use the following for 64-bit OS:
Use tar to extract the documentation from the tarball. For example, use the following
command for a Linux file:
tar -xzvf Spirent_TestCenter_Docs_Linux_Unix[x.xx].tar.gz
Set up Tcl
, Perl, C
, Java, Ruby, Python, C#, or REST for use with Spirent
Automation customers: If you do not use the Tcl [x.x.xx] (configured for
Spirent TestCenter Automation) installer, you must manually configure your
automation environment. Setup instructions for each environment are in readme
format, located in the <Spirent_Install_Dir>/API folder with sub-directories matching
the language name.
For example: