Remote interface
GSS6100 and SimCHAN user manual©
Spirent Communications Plc 2005 - 2007
6.2 Command
All messages are initiated by an ASCII character identifier, such as IDEN,
of at least 4 bytes in length. This may be followed by a variable number of
ASCII encoded parameters depending on the message type, each separated
by one or more space characters.
Several messages may be sent in a single transfer but they must be separated
by one or more space characters, and the complete transfer must end with
EOI asserted for IEEE or <CR><LF> for RS232. The maximum length of a
message transfer must not exceed 256 bytes; if it does the entire transfer will
be discarded.
The maximum length of each ASCII encoded parameter is 9 bytes (digits)
for integer parameters and 64 bytes for floating point parameters (up to 9
decimal places).
Floating point parameters may be supplied in integer or floating point form.
Values will be limited to the ranges and precision stated. Units will be as
stated, qualifying unit codes are not permitted or recognised.
The query response remains valid until one of the following occur; the
response is read, another command query message is received; the RSET
command is received; a DCL or SDC (IEEE only) command is received.
IEEE query responses have EOI asserted on the last byte of the response and
RS232 responses are terminated with a <LF> character.
6.2.1 Notes on the syntax definition
The following syntax elements are used to define the command set options
and constraints.
The short form of terms is indicated in capitals. Otherwise the names are not
case sensitive.
Parameter values are separated from the sub command string by white
[] Items in brackets are optional.
| Indicates a choice of items, one of which must be supplied
These items are to be replaced by numeric values etc.
Groups Items to form a single syntax item
Ellipsis indicates an inclusive range of values