SpinCore PulseBlasterDDSII
LabVIEW Extensions
Basic SubVIs
These SubVIs use Call Library Function Nodes to access SpinAPI's C-functions. By default
these nodes use the C-calling convention. For customizable VIs that use the WINAPI
calling convention please contact SpinCore Technologies via the
This VI will catch an error from SpinAPI and pass it into the LabVIEW code for debugging
purposes. It takes the return code from any function call and determines if there is an error
(return code is a negative number). If an error occurred, the VI calls pb_get_error from
SpinAPI which returns the error text. This error text added to the LabVIEW error cluster
and the error status bit is set true. All functionality will be bypassed if a previous error is
passed into the VI.
Corresponds to the SpinAPI function int pb_init()
This VI initializes the SpinCore board. It calls the pb_init function from SpinAPI using the
Call Library Function Node. It then checks for an error using the pb_error_handler. If there
was an error at this stage, the VI determines if the board was not previously closed, if so
the VI clears the error, closes the board and retries pb_init. All functionality will be
bypassed if an error is passed into the VI.
Corresponds to the SpinAPI function int pb_set_default()
This VI sets the RadioProcessor/PBDDS to its default state. This function should generally
be called after pb_init() to make sure the RadioProcessor is in a usable state. It is
REQUIRED that this be called at least once after the board is powered on. It calls the
pb_set_defaults function from SpinAPI using the Call Library Function Node. It then
checks for an error using the pb_error_handler. All functionality will be bypassed if an error
is passed into the VI.
Corresponds to the SpinAPI function void set_clock(double clock_freq)
This VI sets the clock frequency of the board in MHz. It calls the pb_set_clock function
from SpinAPI using the Call Library Function Node. All functionality will be bypassed if an
error is passed into the VI.