spikenzielabs Musixel Build Manual Download Page 2

Musixel Usage Guide

Connecting the LED strip


Loosen the screw terminals a little to 

allow the wires to slide in. ~ 3 turns

Place the 


 wire in the spot 



.  (DO stands for data out 

to the LED strip.

Screw the wire down and repeat:


 wire to the spot marked 



 wire to the spot marked 


Once complete, your Musixel 

connections should look like this.


Connecting to your music


Using a combination of the included audio splitter wire, extension cable and your own headphones or powered speakers.

To your audio source

Plug the male end of the 

splitter to your audio source 

of choice.

Plug one end of the Male-Male 

extension wire into one of the 

female ends on the splitter.

Plug the other end of the M-M

extension wire into the audio

jack on the Musixel.

Plug your headphones or a set of 

powered speakers to the other 

female end of the the splitter.

In here

Power up the Musixel


Plug the 5v AC adapter in 

to the wall outlet, then 

plug the AC adapter into 

the Musixel


1. Turn on the audio source, plug in the Musixel’s AC adapter.
2. Turn on the powered speakers, or put on your headphones.
3. Adjust the volume of the audio source to produce the ideal amount of color and brightness.
4. If powered speakers are used, adjust their volume to the desired listening volume.
5. Optional: Press the MODE button to change the visual effects displayed by the Musixel.  Each press 
brings the Musixel to the next mode.  The current mode is indicated by the number of orange LEDs lit.

The adapter that comes bundled with the 
Musixel will light up to 64 LEDs


[Mode 1] 

All On

 -- In this mode all of the LEDs display the same color. The color is based on frequencies of the audio. Low tones are Reds at 63 to 160hz, Greens are 

1000-2500hz and Blues (the highest notes) are 6250 to 16000hz. If there is more than one frequency being sensed at the same time, then a mix of colors will appear. The 
brightness of a color is based on the volume of the frequency being sensed. So, louder music will be brighter. Will work with any number of LEDs up to 64.

[Mode 2] 


 -- In this mode the very first LED color is controlled by the audio. This color is then shifted down the LED strip as new frequencies are sensed at the first 

LED. Will work with any number of LEDs up to 64.

[Mode 3] 

Color Graphic Equalizer (16 LEDs)

 -- In this mode from 0 to 16 LEDs are lit depending on the volume of the music. The color is the same for all lit LEDs and this 

color is based on the interpretation of low notes as red, mid as green and high notes as blue.

[Mode 4]

 Rainbow Graphic Equalizer (16 LEDs)

 -- The colors light in a rainbow arrangement and the hight (from 0 to 16 LEDs) is based on the volume.

[Mode 5] 

Traditional Graphic Equalizer (16 LEDs)

 --The colors in this mode are based on a traditional style EQ level and the hight (from 0 to 16 LEDs) is based on the 


[Mode 6] 

Rainbow Graphic Equalizer (64 LEDs)

 -- This mode is designed for use with an optional 64 LED panel (or LED strips cut into sets of 8 and re-wired). Each set of 8 

LEDs is assigned a single frequency of 63, 160, 400, 1000, 1750, 2500, 6250, 16000hz. As the LEDs light the panel will be filled with a rainbow pattern of colors. The height of 
each set of 8 LEDs is based on the volume of that frequency being sensed.

[Mode 7] 

Basic Blue Graphic Equalizer (64 LEDs)

 -- Similar to mode 6, but with a solid single color of blue.

[Mode 8] 

Basic Red Graphic Equalizer (64 LEDs)

 -- Similar to mode 6, but with a solid single color of red.

[Mode 9] 

Basic Green Graphic Equalizer (64 LEDs)

 -- Similar to mode 6, but with a solid single color of green.

The Standard Musixel Kit comes with a 16 LED (WS2812B) strip. Every Musixel comes pre-programmed with nine modes.  Some modes are designed 
for 16 LEDs, and some for an optional strip of 64 LEDs.  There are four modes [6-9] that are best viewed on a 8x8 matrix, with each strip starting on 
the same side.  We encourage you to experiment and hack your own matrix. Send photos of your hacks to 

[email protected]

Having trouble?  Need some help? We are here:

[email protected]

Don’t place the Musixel on a conductive surface.  Eg:  Keys / Change / Metal table
