, another path-breaking innovation is available exclusively to the
users of Spice Mobiles. Nimbuzz is a common IM platform that allows one
to chat, message and send files on the move. This service is common for
most of the commonly used IM portals including skype, MSN, yahoo, ICQ,
AIM, Google talk –
one log-in, one contact list for all accounts
Please check your GPRS settings before accessing Nimbuzz
Vuclip is a Mobile Video search and Delivery service which gives you a
premium experience by providing real time device optimization and
delivery of Videos. Write the search term for video in the search box and
you get options for both downloading and streaming. Videos can be played
in different resolutions and in parts. You can also create your own playlist
by adding your favorite video to „Add to my Cliplist‟ tab.
Enter the amount to be calculated. Press the hash key to enter
decimal points.