Please read the following safety guidelines before using
the device.
Do not use the phone while you are driving.
Do not place magnetic storage media near your phone.
Radiation from the phone may erase the information
stored on them.
Keep your phone and its accessories away from children.
Mobile phones can interfere with the functioning of
medical devices such as hearing aids or pacemakers.
People having active medical implants should keep their
cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.
Permanent hearing loss may occur if you use earphones
or headphones at high volume.
Use a wireless hands-free system (headphone/ headset)
with a low power Bluetooth emitter.
Keep your calls short or send a text message (SMS)
instead. This advice applies specially to children
adolescents and pregnant women.
Use cell phone when the signal quality is good.
Keep distance – Hold the cell phone away from body to
the extent possible.
Do not press the phone handset against your head. Radio
Frequency (RF) energy is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance from the source -- being very
close increases energy absorption much more.
Put the cell phone on speaker mode.