Setting up the Anchorage Line
Ensure there is safe access to the anchorage point. The anchorage point should be vertically above the location where work is to be carried out. This will reduce the
liability of a swing. The attachment point for an Anchorage line (single person) must be able to withstand a peak load of 15 KN. It is recommended that the Type 1 FA
Device be connected directly to the harness Consideration must also be given to the following:
The location and nature of the work to be carried out
That the anchorage line will not come in to direct contact with abrasive surfaces or sharp edges in the event of a fall.
Where the person could swing to in the event of a fall
A anchorage line must not be allowed to come in contact with steel edges or glass
If a Anchorage line is used over the ridge of the roof, be aware that the line will only provide fall protection if:
A. the person works on the opposite side of the ridge to the anchorage point (see illustration)
B. that the ridge will have to be strong enough to support the rope in the event of a fall.
Depending on which kit you have chosen the Rope Grab will either be a ‘Automatic’ or a ‘Manual’.
Great care must be exercised in attaching either unit to the rope, to make sure that the rope is passing through the unit in the
correct direction, see below.
With the Automatic version the unit will travel along the rope as the person moves up the rope, and it will also move down the
rope as the person descends.
With the Manual unit there is a need to squeeze the unit to release the rope jaws; this will allow the operator to move the unit
along the rope. This must only ever be done at a point where there is absolutely no risk of a fall. The Manual unit must only
ever be used for Restraint, i.e. to prevent a person getting into a position where they could free fall.
Once the rope grab (of either type) has been fitted to the Anchorage Line it is important to tie a knot in the rope to prevent the
operator moving into a position where he or she could free fall. (See illustration)
Rope Grabs perform better on a rope that has some weight attached to the lower end of the rope to keep it taught.
If accessing the roof from a ladder makes
sure that the ladder is secured to the
structure so there is no way it can move
as you get on and off it. Most local
occupational health and safety authorities
have codes of practice governing the safe
use of ladders.
Points to look out for during an inspection:
Distortion of snap hooks or latches
Deliberate modification of hooks or latches
Free movement of the latch over its full travel
4. Rough
Strength and operation of latch springs
Wear of latch pivot points
Obstructions to the latch movement
Has the shock absorber started to be come deployed?
Cuts and abrasion of the webbing
10. Permanent stretching of the material
11. Damage from heat, corrosion or chemicals.
If any off the above faults are visible the lanyard should be withdrawn from service.
This unit conforms to the relevant requirements of AS/NZS1891-4 as fall protection or restraint equipment.
Before Use, You Must
Check that this unit is compatible with all other components of your safety system.
Check that the connector is in good condition and that the gate and locking mechanisms function correctly.
To use your karabiner, open the gate of the karabiner, by unscrewing (screwgate), twist & open (double action), or lift-up twist & open (triple action). Make a connection
with the personal fall protection system as required. Release the gate, ensuring that it closes completely. If the karabiner is a screwgate, screw close the gate until finger
tight. Double acting and triple acting karabiners will lock automatically – but always check that the karabiner is secured.
Karabiners or other connectors must only be used in the long axis, do not load across the gate. Please ensure that you check the closure of the gate and the locking
mechanism on every use. Do not hook back or choke a karabiner back onto the attached lanyard.
Do not use this equipment if:
It shows signs of damage or wear
You have reason to believe that this unit has sustained a fall
Hook Use
Users should be made responsible for consistent inspection and care of this equipment.
Do not allow the locking latch to be nearest your body
Do not use a hook on equipment that will create a side loading on the latches
If latches are distorted or damaged the hook must be removed from service.
Do not attach foreign objects to D Ring. They may prevent the correct engagement of the hook or give the user a false indication of the hook closure.
Do not allow the latches of the hook to be pushed from either side by the D ring, rope, branches, twigs or any other obstruction in a narrow space. This could
cause the latches to open.
Do not connect two hooks together.
Ground Clearance
There is a need to make sure that there is sufficient ground clearance under the operator’s feet. Under AS/NZS1891-4 users of Rope Grab style fall arresters, are
obliged to allow for a potential ‘run down’ of 1 m.
We recommend that users of this equipment refer to AS/NZS1891-4 for guidance on clearance.
Post Fall
In the event of this equipment sustaining a full fall, we recommend that all of the equipment be withdrawn from service.
Sperian Fall Protection Australia Pty Ltd
3 Walker St Braeside Victoria 3195 Australia
Tel: 1300 139 166 Fax: 1300 362 491
New Zealand
Tel: 0800 322 200
Part Number M3060065 Rev 2