The Sper Scientific WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe
Temperature) Heat Stress Meter (Model 800036) is
light-weight, portable, and provides the most accurate
determination of the heat stress index based on the
cumulative effect of air temperature, air movement,
relative humidity, and radiant heat.
The WBGT Heat Stress Meter provides highly accurate
readings with a typical response time of only 15
seconds. The WBGT Heat Stress Meter provides
settings for both indoor and outdoor activities, and
includes an audible alarm that is adjustable to your
WBGT threshold.
You can use the WBGT Heat Stress Meter almost
anywhere to determine appropriate exposure levels
to high temperatures and avoid heat exhaustion
during athletic events, military exercises, and
industrial activities.
This WBGT Heat Stress Meter comes fully calibrated
from our manufacturing facility, and should maintain
it’s calibration.