The standard following models can undergo change, revision and implementation without any notice.
Spencer 170 Electronic lung ventilator
Please contact the manufacturer for more informations about Kompak and Portavent versions.
The connection standard of the device is the one determined by the customer on the order.
Spencer 170 is a breathing control/assistance volumetric device, with electronic control of the respiratory function, capable of delivering two
different concentrations of medical gas with a single gas supply, equipped with mechanical and electronic safety systems able to monitor
some of the main breathing parameters. The range of volumes, respiratoy frequencies and monitoring systems for the safety of the patient,
allow its use in both adults and children.
Is not indicated for use with newborns
. The device is designed to provide temporary non-invasive
ventilation support for patients having a minimal essential breathing capacity. The device is designed for permanent installation inside
ambulances. If the device needs to be transported, is necessary to use an adequate transport bag.
As Distributor or final User of the products manufactured and/or sold by Spencer Italia S.r.l., it’s strictly required to know the law
dispositions applied in the Country of destination of the goods, applicable to the supplied devices (including the regulations about
technical specifications and/or safety requirements.
EN 794-3
Lung ventilators - Part 3: Specific requirements of the ventilators operated by a source of energy
for emergency and transport.
CEI EN 60601-1
Medical electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements for safety
EN 60601-1-2
Medical electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and tests
Regulation 10
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic
Use of the Manual
This manual is intended to provide to the health care operator all the necessary information for its safe and appropriate use as well as
adequate maintenance of the device.
: this Manual is an integral part of the device, therefore it must be kept for the duration of the device and it must accompany the
device in case of change of ownership or destination. If the operating instructions received relate to a different product, you must
immediately contact the manufacturer before use.
The Spencer products manuals can be downloaded from the website http://support.spencer.it or they can be requested by contacting the
Exceptions are those items whose essentiality for reasonable and predictable use is such as to make it unnecessary to
prepare instructions in addition to the following warnings and the directions on the label.
Regardless of the level of experience gained in the past with similar devices, it is recommended to read carefully this manual
before installation, use of the product or maintenance.
Labelling and tracking control of the device
Each device has got an identification label positioned on the device itself and/or on its box, which includes identification data of the
manufacturer, the product, the CE mark, the serial number (SN) or lot number (LOT). It must never be removed or covered.
In case of damage or loss, request a duplicate from the manufacturer. Failure to do so will interrupt the validity of the guarantee as the
device can no longer be traced.
The Directive 93/42/EEC requires manufacturers and distributors of medical devices to keep track of the device location. If the device is
in a different location to the address where it was sent or to where it had been sold, donated, lost, stolen, exported or destroyed,
permanently removed from use, or if the device had not been delivered directly from Spencer Italia S.r.l., register your device at
or inform Customer Care (see § 4.4).