The SPM4649T does not have failsafe capabilities, failsafe should be detected
at the fl ight controller. Always ensure your fl ight controller is properly confi gured
to power off the motors in the event of an RF loss.
Spektrum Updater
The SPM4649T receiver can be updated whenever new software is available.
The USB Programmer Cable (SPMA3065) and the free, PC-only Spektrum
Updater application are required.
Visit spektrumrc.com and search for SPMA3065.
Follow the link for PC Firmware Updates and follow instructions.
The SPM4649T receiver can not be powered from USB. Connect the
receiver to a 4-8.4V power source during updating.
Range Testing
For sophisticated models that have signifi cant conductive material in them,
range testing using fl ight log data is recommended. The range check will confi rm
that the receiver is operating optimally and that the installation (position of the
antennas) is optimized for the specifi c aircraft.
With propellers removed, confi rm that Failsafe will power down the
motors when the transmitter is turned off.
1. Standing 30 paces away from the model, face the model with the transmitter in
your normal fl ying position.
2. Put your transmitter in range test mode. Range test mode reduces the power
output from the transmitter.
3. Have someone position the model in various orientations (nose up, nose down,
nose toward the transmitter, nose away from the transmitter, etc.).
4. Observe the telemetry on your transmitter. Note any orientations that cause
higher fade or hold values. Perform this step for at least one minute.
5. Re-position the antennas as necessary.