Warranty and Service Contact Information
Servo Driver Operation
Select the servo test function from the menu; 1520µs is the most common, 765µs is
often used for helicopter tail rotor servos.
Plug the servo into the servo port. A 2-8 cell LiPo must be connected to the IC3
connector on the Battery Checker for the Servo Driver to function.
Servo Test Options
Turning: Press the up/down buttons to manually adjust the servo output
Fixed positions: Press the middle button to select from three positions; full negative,
neutral, and full positive
Auto CW/CCW: Select this option to turn on wiper mode which sweeps back and forth
through the full servo travel
What this Warranty Covers
- Horizon Hobby, LLC, (Horizon) warrants to the original purchaser that the
product purchased (the “Product”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1
year from the date of purchase.
What is Not Covered
This warranty is not transferable and does not cover (i) cosmetic damage, (ii) damage due to
acts of God, accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, commercial use, or due to improper use,
installation, operation or maintenance, (iii) modification of or to any part of the Product, (iv)
attempted service by anyone other than a Horizon Hobby authorized service center, (v) Product
not purchased from an authorized Horizon dealer, (vi) Product not compliant with applicable