Speed Queen ADEE9R User Manual Download Page 13




All moving parts are sealed in a permanent supply of lubricant or
are equipped with oilless bearings. Additional lubrication will not be


Caarree  ooff  Y

Yoouurr  D










Too  rreedduuccee  tthhee  rriisskk  ooff  aann  eelleeccttrriicc  sshhoocckk,,  sseerriioouuss  iinnjjuurryy

oorr  ddeeaatthh,,  ddiissccoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eelleeccttrriiccaall  sseerrvviiccee  ttoo  tthhee  ddrryyeerr

bbeeffoorree  cclleeaanniinngg  tthhee  iinntteerriioorr..




Drryyeerr  IInntteerriioorr

Wipe the surfaces using a soft cloth and household cleaner or a
non-abrasive paste of powdered laundry detergent and hot water,
followed by a short heat cycle with a load of rags.

To remove crayon or ball point ink off the dryer drum, put the heat
on high and use old rags in the dryer to absorb the crayon or ink. If
unsuccessful, contact the appliance dealer. DO NOT use any chemi-
cals in the dryer.








T::  T

Thhee  uussee  ooff  cchhlloorriinnee  bblleeaacchh  ffoorr  rreem


aannyy  ddiissccoolloorraattiioonnss  sshhoouulldd  bbee  aavvooiiddeedd  bbeeccaauussee  bblleeaacchh

ccoouulldd  ddaam

maaggee  tthhee  ffiinniisshh..



Wipe the dryer cabinet as needed. If detergent, bleach or other
washing products have been spilled on the dryer, wipe immediately.
Some products will cause permanent damage if spilled on the cabi-


Coonnttrrooll  PPaanneell

Use only a damp or sudsy cloth for cleaning the control panel. Some
spray pretreat products may harm the finish on the control panel.
DO NOT use products that contain alcohol on the control panel.


Exxhhaauusstt  S











Too  rreedduuccee  tthhee  rriisskk  ooff  eelleeccttrriicc  sshhoocckk,,  ddiissccoonnnneecctt  tthhee

eelleeccttrriiccaall  sseerrvviiccee  ttoo  tthhee  ddrryyeerr  bbeeffoorree  cclleeaanniinngg..











Annyy  ddiissaasssseem

mbbllyy  rreeqquuiirriinngg  tthhee  uussee  ooff  ttoooollss  m

muusstt  bbee


meedd  bbyy  aa  ssuuiittaabbllyy  qquuaalliiffiieedd  sseerrvviiccee  ppeerrssoonn..



The exhaust duct should be inspected after one year of use and
cleaned if necessary by a qualified service person to remove any lint
build-up. Inspect and clean exhaust duct every one to two years as
required thereafter.

Every two years a qualified service person should remove all front
panels and vacuum the inside of the dryer





E::  T

Thhiiss  rreeccoom


meennddeedd  m

maaiinntteennaannccee  iiss  nnoott  ccoovveerreedd

uunnddeerr  tthhee  tteerrm

mss  ooff  tthhee  w


The weather hood should be checked frequently to make sure the
dampers move freely, dampers are not pushed in and that nothing
has been set against them.

Keep dryer area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline
and other flammable vapors and liquids.

Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.





E::  V

Veerriiffyy  pprrooppeerr  ooppeerraattiioonn  aafftteerr  sseerrvviicciinngg..


Moottoorr  O

Ovveerrllooaadd  PPrrootteeccttoorr

The dryer’s motor overload protector stops the motor automati-
cally in the event of an overload. The control’s digital display will
show “Er”, “ro” alternately. After cooling, the overload protector will
reset itself.

The control can be cleared by pressing START and the dryer can be
restarted by pressing START again. If overload protector cycles
again, remove the dryer from use and call the service person to cor-
rect the problem.

  LLiinntt  F


The lint filter is located at the front of the dryer in the lower part
of the door opening.


  Part No. 514473R2


 Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC - DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT


Summary of Contents for ADEE9R

Page 1: ...speedqueen com au Need More info Call 1300 927 437 ADEE9R BLACK ELECTRIC ADEE9RGS435AW01 ADEE9RGS465AW01 ADGE9R BLACK GAS ADGE9RGS305AW01 USER MANUAL DRYER...

Page 2: ...ot t r re ea ac ch h y yo ou ur r g ga as s s su up pp pl li ie er r c ca al ll l t th he e f fi ir re e d de ep pa ar rt tm me en nt t I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n a an nd d s se er rv vi ic...

Page 3: ...the vicinity of this or any other appliance W W0 05 53 3 This product uses FreeRTOS V7 2 0 www freertos org N NO OT TE E F Fo or r A Au us st tr ra al li ia an n m mo od de el ls s t th he e e en ne...

Page 4: ...Selections 11 Options 11 Status 11 To Dry Clothes 11 Optional Drying Rack 12 M Ma aiin nt te en na an nc ce e 1 14 4 Lubrication 14 Care of Your Dryer 14 Motor Overload Protector 14 Lint Filter 14 T...

Page 5: ...r ri ic c s sh ho oc ck k s se er ri io ou us s i in nj ju ur ry y o or r d de ea at th h t to o p pe er rs so on ns s w wh he en n u us si in ng g y yo ou ur r d dr ry ye er r f fo ol ll lo ow w t th...

Page 6: ...d have the skills to carry out ALWAYS dis connect the electrical power to the dryer before attempting service Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug not the cord If supply cord is damaged it m...

Page 7: ...arments for proper washing and drying If loads should be damp for ironing use the Damp Dryness set ting in an Automatic cycle S So or rt t If you have correctly sorted the items for washing they shoul...

Page 8: ...s a an nd d c co ot tt to on ns s DRY2031N_SVG C Cy yl li in nd de er r w wi it th h w we et t p pe er rm ma an ne en nt t p pr re es ss s i it te em ms s DRY2032N_SVG Before Drying Part No 514473R2...

Page 9: ...is mode C Cy yc cl le es s The following cycle descriptions will help determine which cycle to choose depending on the type of laundry being dried The cycle set tings may be modified using the Selecti...

Page 10: ...will be lit during an Auto Sensing cycle The Sensing light will be lit at the beginning of the cycle The Wet Damp and Dry lights will be lit based on readings from the moisture sensing system O Op pt...

Page 11: ...ol ll le ec ct ti in ng g i in n e ex xh ha au us st t d du uc ct t d do o n no ot t o op pe er ra at te e d dr ry ye er r w wi it th ho ou ut t l li in nt t f fi il lt te er r i in n p pl la ac ce e...

Page 12: ...les only for no tumble dry ing of articles such as tennis shoes sweaters stuffed toys or oth er delicate items DRY2332N_SVG DRY2332N_SVG Operating Your Dryer Part No 514473R2 Copyright Alliance Laundr...

Page 13: ...el le ec ct tr ri ic c s sh ho oc ck k d di is sc co on nn ne ec ct t t th he e e el le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l s se er rv vi ic ce e t to o t th he e d dr ry ye er r b be ef fo or re e c cl le ea an n...

Page 14: ...n u us si in ng g d dr ry ye er r o or r l lo oa ad di in ng g a an nd d u un nl lo oa ad di in ng g d dr ry y e er r I If f t th he e f fi il lt te er r i is s n no ot t i in n p pl la ac ce e c cl l...

Page 15: ...duct to outside to see if it is kinked blocked or needs cleaning Check weather hood to make sure flapper moves freely has not been pushed in or has not been blocked Gas dryer only Is the limit thermos...

Page 16: ...you are unable to locate an authorized service center or are un satisfied with the service performed on your unit contact A Alllliia an nc ce e L La au un nd dr ry y S Sy ys st te em ms s S Sh he ep p...

Page 17: ...ss s s sp pe ec ci if fi ic ca al ll ly y r re ec co om mm me en nd de ed d i in n t th he e u us se er r m ma ai in nt te en na an nc ce e i in ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on ns s o or r i in n p pu ub...
