Speed Queen ADE3TR User Manual Download Page 17




All moving parts are sealed in a permanent supply of lubricant or
are equipped with oilless bearings. Additional lubrication will not be


Caarree  ooff  Y

Yoouurr  D










Too  rreedduuccee  tthhee  rriisskk  ooff  aann  eelleeccttrriicc  sshhoocckk,,  sseerriioouuss  iinnjjuurryy

oorr  ddeeaatthh,,  ddiissccoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eelleeccttrriiccaall  sseerrvviiccee  ttoo  tthhee  ddrryyeerr

bbeeffoorree  cclleeaanniinngg  tthhee  iinntteerriioorr..



Drryyeerr  IInntteerriioorr

Wipe the surfaces using a soft cloth and household cleaner or a
non-abrasive paste of powdered laundry detergent and hot water,
followed by a short heat cycle with a load of rags.

To remove crayon or ball point ink off the dryer drum, put the heat
on high and use old rags in the dryer to absorb the crayon or ink. If
unsuccessful, contact the appliance dealer. DO NOT use any chemi-
cals in the dryer.








T::  T

Thhee  uussee  ooff  cchhlloorriinnee  bblleeaacchh  ffoorr  rreem


aannyy  ddiissccoolloorraattiioonnss  sshhoouulldd  bbee  aavvooiiddeedd  bbeeccaauussee  bblleeaacchh

ccoouulldd  ddaam

maaggee  tthhee  fifinniisshh..



Wipe the dryer cabinet as needed. If detergent, bleach or other
washing products have been spilled on the dryer, wipe immediately.
Some products will cause permanent damage if spilled on the cabi-


Coonnttrrooll  PPaanneell

Use only a damp or sudsy cloth for cleaning the control panel. Some
spray pretreat products may harm the finish on the control panel.
DO NOT use products that contain alcohol on the control panel.





E::  T

Thhee  w

wiirriinngg  ddiiaaggrraam

m  iiss  llooccaatteedd  iinnssiiddee  tthhee  ccoonnttrrooll









LLaabbeell  aallll  w

wiirreess  pprriioorr  ttoo  ddiissccoonnnneeccttiioonn  w

whheenn  sseerrvviicciinngg

ccoonnttrroollss..  W

Wiirriinngg  eerrrroorrss  ccaann  ccaauussee  iim

mpprrooppeerr  aanndd  ddaann--

ggeerroouuss  ooppeerraattiioonn..



Exxhhaauusstt  S











Too  rreedduuccee  tthhee  rriisskk  ooff  eelleeccttrriicc  sshhoocckk,,  ddiissccoonnnneecctt  tthhee

eelleeccttrriiccaall  sseerrvviiccee  ttoo  tthhee  ddrryyeerr  bbeeffoorree  cclleeaanniinngg..


The exhaust duct should be inspected after one year of use and
cleaned if necessary by a qualified service person to remove any lint
build-up. Inspect and clean exhaust duct every one to two years as
required thereafter.

The weather hood should be checked frequently to make sure the
dampers move freely, dampers are not pushed in and that nothing
has been set against them.

Keep dryer area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline
and other flammable vapors and liquids.

Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.





E::  V

Veerriiffyy  pprrooppeerr  ooppeerraattiioonn  aafftteerr  sseerrvviicciinngg..









Annyy  ddiissaasssseem

mbbllyy  rreeqquuiirriinngg  tthhee  uussee  ooff  ttoooollss  m

muusstt  bbee


meedd  bbyy  aa  ssuuiittaabbllyy  qquuaalliififieedd  sseerrvviiccee  ppeerrssoonn..



Moottoorr  O

Ovveerrllooaadd  PPrrootteeccttoorr

The dryer’s motor overload protector stops the motor automati-
cally in the event of an overload. After cooling, the overload protec-
tor will reset itself. Dryer can be restarted by pushing the timer
knob in. If overload protector cycles again, remove the dryer from
use and call the service person to correct the problem.



 Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -




Part No. D513124ENR9

Summary of Contents for ADE3TR

Page 1: ...speedqueen com au Need More info Call 1300 927 437 ADE3TR BLACK ELECTRIC ADE3TRGS435AW01 ADE3TRGS465AW01 ADG3TR BLACK GAS ADG3TRGW305AW01 USER MANUAL DRYER...

Page 2: ...on n a an nd d s se er rv vi ic ce e m mu us st t b be e p pe er rf fo or rm me ed d b by y a a q qu ua al li ifi fie ed d i in ns st ta al ll le er r s se er rv vi ic ce e a ag ge en nc cy y o or r...

Page 3: ...ent Press Knits Cycle 15 To Dry Clothes 15 End of Cycle Signal 16 Optional Drying Rack 16 C Cllo ot th hiin ng g C Ca ar re e L La ab be ells s 1 17 7 M Ma aiin nt te en na an nc ce e 1 18 8 Lubricati...

Page 4: ...e INSTALLATION INSTRUC TIONS Refer to the EARTH GROUND INSTRUCTIONS in the IN STALLATION manual for the proper earth ground connection of the dryer All connections for electrical power earth ground an...

Page 5: ...machine accord ing to the manufacturer s instructions may result in conditions which can produce bodily injury and or property damage N NO OT TE E T Th he e W WA AR RN NI IN NG G a an nd d I IM MP PO...

Page 6: ...shing and drying If loads should be damp for ironing turn timer knob to the EN ERGY SAVER setting marked with a dot in AUTOMATIC or TIME DRY cycles S So or rt t If you have correctly sorted the items...

Page 7: ...a an nd d c co ot tt to on ns s DRY2031N_SVG C Cy yl li in nd de er r w wi it th h w we et t p pe er rm ma an ne en nt t p pr re es ss s i it te em ms s DRY2032N_SVG Before Drying Copyright Alliance...

Page 8: ...recommended by the manufacturer dry as for wool Do not stretch the blanket because of the wiring Some electric blankets may have an in sulation on the thermostats or on the wiring which will not with...

Page 9: ...he dryer unless recom mended by the manufacturer Fiberglass may shred Particles may re main in the dryer and rub off on the next load Beta fiberglass may be dried if recom mended by the manufacturer S...

Page 10: ...se AUTOMATIC REGULAR DELI CATE or TIME DRY cycle Remove slightly damp to minimize iron ing Reshape smooth seams and pockets etc Synthetic Fibers Choose AUTOMATIC REGULAR DELI CATE or AUTOMATIC PERMANE...

Page 11: ...ome sheer fabrics especially sheer knits can be heat sensitive Dry until just dry about 10 minutes and remove from dryer immediately Sheer fabrics should not be washed and dried with garments containi...

Page 12: ...h or dry Quilts filled with cotton may become lumpy Remove from dryer slightly damp and stretch gently to shape Quilted articles may shrink if overdried Rugs Cotton with Cotton Backing Choose AUTOMATI...

Page 13: ...Stuffed Animals and Toys Make sure the filling and covering can be dryer dried Cotton filling may become lumpy Protect glass eyes by covering with a stocking or tie toy into a pillowcase Choose heat f...

Page 14: ...u ul la ar r D De el li ic ca at te e C Cy yc cl le e Use for sturdy items like play or work clothes and also for delicate items The type of heat is determined by choosing hte proper Fabric Selector o...

Page 15: ...r re es se et t t ti im me er r i if f n ne ec ce es ss sa ar ry y a an nd d p pu us sh h i in n t th he e t ti im me er r k kn no ob b E En nd d o of f C Cy yc cl le e S Si ig gn na al l A Av va aii...

Page 16: ...gns Any bleach when needed Only non chlorine bleach when need ed Do not bleach I Ir ro on n Iron Dry or Steam Warning Signs Iron High Medium Low Do not iron No steam D Dr ry y Tumble Dry Cycle Warning...

Page 17: ...ns si id de e t th he e c co on nt tr ro ol l p pa an ne el l W WA AR RN NI IN NG G L La ab be el l a al ll l w wi ir re es s p pr ri io or r t to o d di is sc co on nn ne ec ct ti io on n w wh he en...

Page 18: ...n the lower part of the door opening CLEAN THE LINT FILTER BEFORE DRYING EACH LOAD Annually remove lint filter and screw to vacuum the duct under it DRY2757N_SVG 1 1 1 Lint Filter Figure 2 Maintenance...

Page 19: ...ld be checked Make sure the laundry room fuse s isn t blown or loose or that the circuit breakers aren t open The dryer itself does not have an electrical fuse An electric dryer has an electrical circ...

Page 20: ...kling Check load size Large loads may not tumble properly and may cause wrinkling Clothes have odor Check room for odors before drying clothes Any odor fried foods paint varnish cleaners burning wood...

Page 21: ...lease include a copy of your bill of sale and any service receipts you have W WA AR RN NI IN NG G T To o r re ed du uc ce e t th he e r ri is sk k o of f s se er ri io ou us s i in nj ju ur ry y o or...
