M3i.48xx / M3i.48xx-exp Manual
Card Control Center
Debug logging for support cases
For answering your support questions as fast as possible, the setup of the card,
driver and firmware version and other information is very helpful.
Therefore the card control center provides an easy way to gather all that infor-
mation automatically.
Different debug log levels are available through the graphical interface. By de-
fault the log level is set to „no logging“ for maximum performance.
The customer can select different log levels and the path of the generated ASCII
text file. One can also decide to delete the previous log file first before creating
a new one automatically or to append different logs to one single log file.
For maximum performance of your hardware, please make sure that the debug logging is set to „no log-
ging“ for normal operation. Please keep in mind that a detailed logging in append mode can quickly gener-
ate huge log files.
Device mapping
Within the „Device mapping“ tab of the Spectrum Control Center, one can en-
able the re-mapping of Spectrum devices, be it either local cards, remote instru-
ments such as a digitizerNETBOX or generatorNETBOX or even cards in a
remote PC and accessed via the Spectrum remote server option.
In the left column the re-mapped device name is visible that is given to the device
in the right column with its original un-mapped device string.
In this example the two local cards „spcm0“ and „spcm1“ are re-mapped to
„spcm1“ and „spcm0“ respectively, so that their names are simply swapped.
The remote digitizerNETBOX device is mapped to spcm2.
The application software can then use the re-mapped name for simplicity instead
of the quite long VISA string.
Changing the order of devices within one group (either local cards or remote
devices) can simply be accomplished by draging&dropping the cards to their
desired position in the same table.