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WINCO warrants to the original purchaser of new equipment that said 

equipment, when installed in accordance with our instructions within 

North America and subjected to normal use, is free from defects in 

material or workmanship for a period of 1 year. The labor warranty 

is one year from original date of purchase or 18 months from actual 

factory shipment date, whichever date occurs first.

thIs WARRANty Is IN lIeu of All otheR WARRANtIes, 

WhetheR expRessed oR ImplIed. WINco expRessly 

dIsclAIms ANy ImplIed WARRANty oR meRchANtAbIlIty 

oR expRessed oR ImplIed WARRANty of fItNess foR A 

pARtIculAR puRpose.
WINco’s oblIGAtIoN ANd lIAbIlIty uNdeR thIs WARRANty Is 

expRessly lImIted to RepAIRING ANd ReplAcING equIpmeNt 

thAt pRoves to be defectIve IN mAteRIAl oR WoRkmANshIp 

WIthIN the ApplIcAble WARRANty peRIod. 
IN No eveNt shAll WINco be lIAble foR INcIdeNtAl oR 

coNsequeNtIAl dAmAGes to buyeR oR ANy thIRd pARty, 

INcludING, WIthout lImItAtIoN, loss of pRopeRty, 

peRsoNAl INjuRy, loss of busINess oR pRofIts oR otheR 

ecoNomIc losses, oR stAtutoRy oR exemplARy dAmAGes, 

WhetheR IN NeGlIGeNce, WARRANty, stRIct lIAbIlIty, oR 


This warranty is given only to the first purchaser from a retail dealer. 

No warranty is granted to subsequent transferees. A valid serial 

number as deemed by WINCO is necessary to be covered under 

Warranty does not cover product failures due to: failure to maintain, 

neglect, abuse, damage due to excess water, fire, normal wear, 

improper setup and use. Periodic maintenance is not covered.
This warranty is not in force until such time as a properly completed 

and digitally signed Warranty Registration has been received by 

WINCO within 30 days from the date of purchase. 

WARRANty seRvIce

To initiate warranty service contact: [email protected] 

or call: 973-295-3899
DO NOT send unit to WINCO without first contacting our customer 

service department.

Limited Warranty

ReGIsteR oNlINe At:
Proof of purchase is required to extend warranty more than 1 year 

from date of shipment from the factory.

the foReGoING WARRANty pRovIsIoNs ARe A complete 

ANd exclusIve stAtemeNt betWeeN the buyeR ANd selleR. 

WINco NeItheR Assumes NoR AuthoRIzes ANy peRsoNs 

to Assume foR It ANy otheR oblIGAtIoN oR lIAbIlIty IN 

coNNectIoN WIth sAId equIpmeNt.

Examples of items not covered under warranty, but not limited to just 

these items:
1.  Acts of God, fire, water damage, burglary, accident, theft.
2.  Freight damage.
3.  Improper installation or alteration of equipment.
4.  Use of generic or after market parts.
5.  Repairs made by anyone other than a WINCO designated  

service provider.

6.  Lubrication.
7.  Expendable wear parts, adjustable feet, blown fuses, lamps, etc.
8.  Cleaning of equipment.
9.  Misuse or abuse.

Warranty registration


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Summary of Contents for EMW-1000SD

Page 1: ... commercial cooking equipment SPECTRUM takes pride in the design and quality of our products When used as intended and with proper care and maintenance you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment To ensure best results it is important that you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully It s important to save these instructions for future reference EMW 1000SD ...

Page 2: public can use theequipment makesurethatcautionsigns warnings and operating instructions are clearlypostedneareachunitsothatanyone usingtheequipmentwilluseitcorrectlyand notinjurethemselvesorharmtheequipment WARNING A factory authorized service provider should handle all maintenance and repair Before doing any maintenance orrepair followservicesetuparrangement on page 11 AVERTISSEMENT Toute ins...

Page 3: ...ndservice ensuringthatatthe timeofpacking allproductsaresuppliedfullyfunctionalandfree ofdamage Shouldyoufindanydamageasaresultoffreight please contactyourSPECTRUMdealerimmediately Unpacking the Equipment Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally responsible manner 1 Removeallpackingmaterialsandtape aswellasanyprotective plasticandcardboard fromtheunit 2 Cleananyglueresidueleftoverf...

Page 4: ...theriskoffireinovencavity a Donotovercookfood Carefullyattendtoappliancewhenpaper plastic orothercombustiblematerialsareplacedintheoventofacilitatecooking NEVERusepaper plastic orcombustiblematerialsareplacedinsidetheoven tofacilitatecooking b Removewiretwist tiesfrompaperorplasticbagsbeforeplacingbaginoven 17 Afterheating allowthecontainertostandinthemicrowaveoven forashorttimebeforeremovingtheco...

Page 5: ...tyinterlocks 2 DONOTplaceanyobjectbetweenthe frontfaceoftheovenanditsdoor orallow debrisorresiduetoaccumulateonsealing surfaces 3 DONOToperatetheovenifitisdamaged It isespeciallyimportantthattheovendoor closesproperlyandcompletely andthat thereisnodamagetothe a Door bent b Hingesandlatches brokenorloose c Doorsealsandsealingsurfaces 4 TheovenshouldNOTbeadjustedor repairedbyanyoneexceptproperly qua...

Page 6: ...acturerabouteffectsofmicrowaveenergyonpacemaker 13 Cleanovenregularlyandremovefooddeposits 14 Toavoidsurfacedeterioration keepovenincleancondition Infrequentcleaningcouldadverselyaffectthelifeofthe applianceandpossiblyresultinahazardoussituation Warning Liquids Liquidssuchaswater coffee orteaareabletobeoverheatedbeyond theboilingpointwithoutappearingtobeboilingduetosurface tensionoftheliquid Visib...

Page 7: ...rdeepfatfryer Thiscouldcausemicrowaveoventooperate improperlyandcouldshortenthelifeoftheelectricalparts 5 Installtheovenonalevelcountertopsurface 6 Outletshouldbelocatedsothattheplugisaccessiblewhenthe ovenisinplace Grounding Instructions WARNING Improper use of the grounding can result in a risk of electric shock Toavoidriskofelectricalshockordeath thisovenmustbegrounded Toavoidrisk ofelectricals...

Page 8: ...rom Powerlevelincreasesastheknobisturnedclockwise Thepowerlevelscanbeclassifiedas Power Output Description 1 100 High 2 80 Medium High 3 50 Medium 4 40 Medium Low 5 30 Defrost 6 10 Low To start a cooking session 1 Placefoodinovenandclosedoor 2 TurnPower ActionSelectortodesiredpowerlevel TheLED displaywillupdateaccordingly 3 TurntheTimeKnobtosetacookingtime TheLEDdisplaywill updateaccordingly 4 Pre...

Page 9: ...tron EMWD P30 1 31 Air Duct Bracket EMWD P31 1 32 Switch Mount EMWD P32 1 33 Rotary Arm Big EMWD P33 1 34 Microswitch EMWD P34 1 35 Microswitch EMWD P35 1 36 Microswitch EMWD P36 1 37 Rotary Arm Small EMWD P37 1 38 Transformer EMWD P38 1 39 H V Capacitor EMWD P39 1 40 Capacitor Holder EMWD P40 1 41 Rubber Stab EMWD P41 1 42 Bracket Transformer EMWD P42 1 43 Power Knob EMWD P43 1 44 Time Knob EMWD ...

Page 10: ...d View Spare Parts List Model EMW 1000SD 58 57 56 55 8 54 7 53 6 52 5 51 4 50 3 49 2 48 1 9 47 46 45 44 43 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 59 60 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 36 39 40 42 41 ...

Page 11: ...vents Foodcookinginamicrowavemayreleaseheat Thisisnormal Unevenlycookedfoods Materialstobeavoidedinmicrowaveovenwereused Usemicrowave safecookwareonly Foodisnotdefrostedcompletely Completelydefrostfoodpriortousingoven Cookingtime powerlevel arenotsuitable Usecorrectcookingtimeandpowerlevel Foodisnotturnedorstirred Turnorstirfood Followfooddistributor s instructionsifnecessary Overcookedfoods Cooki...

Page 12: ...edunder warranty Warrantydoesnotcoverproductfailuresdueto failuretomaintain neglect abuse damageduetoexcesswater fire normalwear impropersetupanduse Periodicmaintenanceisnotcovered Thiswarrantyisnotinforceuntilsuchtimeasaproperlycompleted anddigitallysignedWarrantyRegistrationhasbeenreceivedby WINCOwithin30daysfromthedateofpurchase Warranty Service Toinitiatewarrantyservicecontact support wincous ...
