SpectraLink Corporation
NetLink OAI Gateway
2. Write the MAC address on the
Wireless Planning Device Worksheet
3. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for each Wireless Telephone to be added or changed.
4. Press Esc to return to the
NetLink OAI System
A Wireless Telephone may be associated with one and only one
telephone line. The same MAC address may not be assigned to two
or more telephone lines.
The Wireless Telephone requires special setup which may include
setting options on the DHCP server or on the Wireless Telephone
to allow it to communicate with the NetLink OAI Gateway. Be sure
these setting are correct. Refer to the IP Interface document for
your system.
5.5 Deleting a Wireless Telephone
To delete a Wireless Telephone from the NetLink OAI Gateway configuration:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the line to be deleted.
2. Press
to delete the Wireless Telephone information.
3. Press
to accept changes.
4. Press Esc to return to the
NetLink OAI System
5.6 Searching for a Wireless Phone
While in the
Telephone Line Configuration
or the
Telephone Line Status
screens, a
search hotkey is available. To search any field:
1. Select the field to use as the search key (MAC address, Name, or Extension),
2. Press
to display a search screen dialog box,
3. Type an appropriate search string and then press Enter.
The success or failure of the search will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
4. The user can either continue to change the search string for different search
criteria or escape (by pressing the Esc key) out of the search screen.
The first line of the Telephone Line Configuration (or Telephone Line Status) screen will
then display the line in which the search match was found, if any.
Successful searches always result in the first found match to show at the top of the list,
and subsequent searches will continue from that point in the list.
Note that partial strings will match for beginnings of strings, such that a search for
extension 10 will match extension 10, 100, 1000, etc., but will not match 010.
Part Number: 72-0078-
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