The mechanical flow meter (part no. PL-FMT-XX) used on our manual watermakers can be
opened for cleaning if it gets hard to read, or if the little ball in the flow meter is stuck at the
bottom. If the ball is stuck, first try giving it a tap to break it loose.
The flow meter will come completely apart for cleaning. First, remove the meter from the panel.
Next, remove the four small screws that hold the stainless steel bracket in place. Carefully pry
off the bracket. On the very top of the meter is a clear plastic slide-off cover that covers a clear
plastic allen screw. Use a flat-bladed screwdriver to push the cover off. Holding the meter
upright, remove the allen screw with a ¼” allen wrench. Invert the flow meter and catch the ball
as it falls out. Now you can get inside and clean things up. You can use tooth paste or plastic
window polish to polish the inside using a small bottle brush. Clean the ball and give it a few
coats of wax. If the O-rings are damaged or the unit has been leaking, install new O-rings using
a little Vaseline or water maker grease to ease assembly. These are standard O-rings and should
be available at most larger auto parts or bearing stores. Reassemble in reverse.