Account & Permission Management
NVR User Manual
to log out the system.
10.3 Permission Management
10.3.1 Add Permission Group
Click Start
Account and Authority
Edit Permission Group to go to the interface as shown below.
to add permission group. Set the group name, check the permissions as needed and then set the “Local” and “Remote” permissions. Click
“Add” to save the settings.
10.3.2 Edit Permission Group
Go to “Edit Permission Group” interface and then click
in the group list to edit the permission group (the operations of the “Edit Permission
Group” are similar to that of the “Add Permission Group”, please see 10.3.1 Add Permission Group for details). Click
to save the group as
another group. Click
to delete the permission group. The three default permission groups (“Administrator”, “Advanced” and “Common”)
cannot be deleted.
10.4 Block and Allow List
Click Start
Account and Authority
Security to go to the following interface.