IP Address
: Enter the address of IP camera to connect, or select from scanned list.
Stream Port
: Enter the port number of IP camera to connect
Web Port:
Enter the web port number of IP camera to connect
Select the protocol for the IP Camera. (SPECO / ONVIF / HIKVISION)
Searches the network for IP Cameras using the specified protocol.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the desired IP Camera.
Stream Port
Enter the IP Camera stream Port Number (default: 554)
Web Port
Enter the IP Camera Web Port Number (default: 80)
User ID
Enter ID of IP Camera to connect
Enter Password of Camera to connect
Set up Main stream (Resolution, Framerate, Bitrate) and Sub stream (Frame, Bitrate)
4-1-1. Scan Menu
Scan for IP Cameras on network using ONVIF/SPECO protocols.
Figure 4.1.2 IP CAMERA Setup Screen