The following information is not specific to the operation of the X.Sum, but
rather general information regarding the “care and feeding” of an audio
A general discussion about AC, AC grounding, audio grounding, EMI, and
quality wiring is discussed in this section. These subjects are very often
overlooked or misunderstood, and should be given consideration when
interfacing your equipment to any audio product.
When you are evaluating voltage and current requirements for your audio
system, it is important that your X.Sum and/or audio system does not exceed
the capacity of your AC service. You should make certain that the earth
(green) wire for the AC system makes a reliable earth connection, and
determine as best as possible that the AC system is free of noise that could
generate unwanted audible sounds or cause problems in microprocessor based
When using a larger studio system it is recommended that a dedicated and
isolated AC service be provided. This service should have its own AC wires,
isolated receptacle, and breaker and not be shared with other unrelated
Even with an isolated AC system, it may still be necessary to make use of
surge protectors, line filters, isolation transformers, or all of the above. Power
conditioners should be selected with care, since they sometimes generate
undesirable switching noises in audio systems.
When connecting many pieces of electronic equipment to an AC system it is
important that the AC is properly distributed. It is better to connect all plugs
to a common AC source than to have AC receptacles in different locations.
When installing a large audio system, it may be necessary to consult a
qualified electrician that is familiar with the specialized style of electrical
wiring required for recording studios.
Chapter 4
Wiring and Other
AC Distribution
and Safety
Proper AC grounding
Quality AC system
AC distribution
Wiring & Other