By cleaning your bike regularly in an appropriate manner, you
ensure greater longevity, less wear and the best performance.
These tips are key:
• Never use a high-pressure cleaner (use a wet cloth or a
low-pressure garden hose for removing dirt)
• Always turn off the bike before cleaning
• Remove the Range Extender battery (RE) before cleaning
(if needed, clean separately with a wet cloth; remove dirt from
connectors with a soft brush or low-pressure air)
• Inspect the RE / charge port for dirt accumulation (to clean
inside, use a soft brush or low-pressure air)
• Before connecting the charger or Range Extender battery,
make sure all contacts and ports are dry and clean
• Regularly clean the Speed Sensor magnet on the rear wheel
with a cloth (brake dust with metal parts can collect and cause
issues in the worst case)
• Pay special attention to chain/drivetrain maintenance
These five notes help you to improve your Creo SL rides and
understand key bike behaviour.
When shifting gears, reduce pedaling force. Try to avoid shif-
ting under heavy loads, e.g. when accelerating or climbing.
Only shift one gear at a time. This leads to smoother, more
silent shifting and supports drivetrain longevity.
When looking for increased range, primarily use the modes
Eco and Sport. When you need maximum power or maximum
range is not needed, Turbo mode is a great option.
The motor is designed to support you especially well in a hi-
gher cadence spectrum (~75 rpm and above). Pedaling in a
smooth cadence is beneficial for optimal range and motor
support. Tip: Use the TCD to monitor your cadence.
We recommend sticking to the default parallel discharge
scenario when using a Range Extender battery. This way, the
technically needed reduction in motor assist will be noticeable
later and battery health benefits in the long run. Discharging
the RE first only makes sense if you want to remove it at some
point to have a lighter bike or if you want to make room for a
water bottle.
Between 20% and 15% remaining battery state of charge, the
system starts reducing motor support to ensure uninterrupted
support at lower charge/voltage levels. Between 5% and 3%
remaining soc, motor support shuts off, but the system stays
This is not only beneficial for battery health and lifetime, but
also ensures wired lights can be powered for about two more
Both motor and battery are very user-friendly components that
do not require a lot of special attention. However, there are a
few tips and notes you should consider.
•The motor unit is a fully closed, well-protected unit, but never
pressure-wash the bike/bottom bracket area.
•Any firmware manipulation. e.g. to derestrict the speed limit,
is illegal and can void warranty.
•Be aware that the additional motor power results in greater
wear and tear of drivetrain parts, brake pads, tires and the like.
•Warranty terms: 2 years
Your Specialized Turbo comes with a high-quality Lithium Ion
battery that is built for maximum performance and safety.
•Familiarize yourself with the battery chapter in the manual
and the symbols on the battery itself
•Be aware that batteries age over time and through usage (re-
duced range)•Always power off the bike before (dis-) connec-
ting the RE battery or charging it
•Batteries have undercharge and overcharge protection, so
that they can be charged/discharged as needed
•Store your Creo SL with the internal battery and any RE
battery at room temperature before riding in cold conditions
(especially when below 0° C / 32° F)
•When not using batteries for a longer period, leave them at a
charge level of about 60 %, store them/the bike in a dry place;
recharge to 60 % every three months
•When carrying your bike on a car bike rack, remove the
Range Extender battery and make sure the charge port is
closed; transport the RE inside the car
•Warranty terms: 2 years or at least 75 % capacity after 300
charge cycles.
DO NOT rotate the cranks backwards when:
1. The charge cable is connected
2. The RE cable is not connected to the frame port
This also means you should never push your Creo SL backwar-
ds in the two above scenarios. The RE cable should either be
connected at both ends or be completely removed from the
bike. Disregarding this advice can result in serious damage to
the charger connector, the RE cable or even the RE/charge
15130 Concord Circle, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-6229
0000144731_QSG_R1 _10/19
We may occasionally issue updates and addendums to this document.
Please periodically check www.specialized.com to make sure you have
the latest information.