Spearhead TWIGA
Flail Head
Flail Head
Flail Head
Flail Head
Grease all bearings daily.
Check there is no wrapping of string, plastic, grass or other debris on rotor
shaft and rear roller bearings
Check the condition of flails and ensure all retaining bolts are tight. When
flails are replaced care must be taken to maintain balance of rotor shaft, do
not change to a different type.
Flail retaining bolt and nut - keep tight
Flail head is supplied centre mounted to get best travel on crowd ram.
Never operate with any flails missing. This will cause severe vibration and
lead to rapid bearing wear and quickly cause the head to crack.
Blunt flails leave an untidy finish and absorb excessive power, when re-
sharpening always wear protective clothing and goggles.
When flails are showing severe wear, damage or cracking, they must be
replaced immediately. Never attempt to weld the flails, this will make them
very brittle and is extremely dangerous. Do not take risks with the cutting flails
- if in doubt replace.
When replacing flails always replace bolts and nuts for new.
Regularly check that all rotor bearing bolts and hydraulic motor retaining bolts
are tight.
With a new machine or if new bolts have been fitted, particular attention
needs to be applied to regular tightening of the new bolts (1hr - 4hrs then
Mounted head may foul on
machine or tractor cab.