Trouble Shooting Guide
Broken or Damaged Blades
Raise cutting height
Avoid obstacles
Ensure a steady feed into drive (do not snatch the PTO)
Damage Blade Holders
Raise cutting height
Avoid obstacles
Failure to keep retaining nuts and bolts tight
Gearbox Overheating
Incorrect oil level
Incorrect grade of oil
Incorrect operating speed
Machine overloaded
Rubbish around the gearbox reducing air circulation
Slip Clutch Failure
Machine overloaded
PTO engaged with too much power/revs
Blades hitting the ground
Damage to Rubber Coupling
Shock loading from either poor start-up or blades hitting something
Damage to PTO Shaft & Gearboxes
Inoperative torque limiter
Seized slip clutch
Telescopic tube bottoming out
Engaging drive with too much power/revs
Lifting machine too high
Not enough overlap
Lack of grease on sliding tubes of drive shaft
Shock loading as a result of impact damage due to the blade carrier
striking an obstacle.
Metal Fatigue on Frame
Too fast a travelling or operating speed for the conditions
Machine not floating, i.e. not following the ground controls (check
position of top link).