8999070: v3 03/09/2018
Page 2.1 of 2.6 pages
Original instructions (ENGLISH)
Website: www.spearheadmachinery.com
Level of danger
The safety of the operator and exposed persons is the main concern of the designer and the manufacturer of the
machine. When designing a new machine, one tries to plan for all possible danger situations and risks connected to
using the machine, adopting the steps necessary to make the equipment as safe as possible. The number of accidents
remains very high however, especially due to incautious and awkward use of the machine. It is therefore recommended
to carefully read this manual and this section in particular, regarding safety standards, avoiding behaviour that is
inappropriate or in contrast with the instructions contained in this manual.
Pay attention to the following danger signal where contained in this manual and follow safety instructions.
Level 1 - This signal warns that if the described operations are not carried out
properly, they will cause serious injury, death or long-term health risks.
Level 2 - This signal warns that if the described operations are not carried out
properly, they may cause serious injury, death or long-term health risks.
Level 3 - This signal warns that if the described operations are not carried out
properly, they may cause damage to the machine.
The indicated levels of danger refer to specific risk situation that may occur during machine use and may involve the
same machine, the operator and any exposed persons. With the purpose of highlighting situations or operations that
may result in risks, the meanings of terms used in this manual are indicated here:
Any area in and/or around a machine where the presence of an exposed person constitutes a
risk to the health and safety of said person
: A person fully or partly in a hazardous area
The person or personnel in charge of the installation, the operation, the adjusting, the cleaning, the
repairing and the moving of the machine.
any person specifically trained and approved to carry out maintenance or repair
interventions that require particular knowledge of the machine, its operation, the installed safety devices, intervention
modes. It must be capable of recognising danger present on the actual machine, therefore avoiding at risk situations.
a combination of the probability and seriousness of injury or damage to health which can arise in a dangerous
a part of the machine that is used to specifically guarantee protection by way of a material barrier.
a device that reduces risk (unlike the guard) either on its own or together with the guard.
the use of the machine in accordance with the information provided in the operating instructions.
the use of the machine different to the information provided in the
operator’s instructions, which may be the result of readily predictable human behaviour.
The Authorised Assistance Centre, legally authorised by the Manufacturer,
is formed by specialised staff able to carry out all types of assistance, maintenance and repair work, even of a certain
complexity, required to maintain the machine in perfect working order.
Carefully read the following rules. If the instructions described are not followed, a
situation may arise which causes irreparable damage to the machine or property, or injury - even
severe - to people or animals. Spearhead declines all responsibility for damage caused by not
complying with the safety and injury prevention regulations described below. Spearhead also declines
any responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the machine and/or as a result of
modifications made without authorisation by the manufacturer.