RSA-1.0 Installation Instructions
Page 6
Figure 8
Programmed RSA-1.0 RS232 Command
can be moved up in the list by dragging and dropping
the command to a different position. Be sure moving
commands in the list does not adversely affect existing
15. The RS232 command line in the Button Properties Win-
dow will show the blue ‘1010’ icon to indicate an RS232
command, the function, brand, component and ‘RSA-1.0
Add. 0 RS232’ indicating that the command has been
properly associated with the RSA-1.0. If an EZ-Pad button
press does not properly execute control functions, this is a
good place to look in troubleshooting to confi rm Zone/
EZ-Pad/Button/RSA-1.0/RS232 command confi guration.
See section: Troubleshooting for additional information.
16. Repeat steps 1-6 above to add RSA-1.0s.
17. Repeat steps 7-14 to program EZ-Pads with RS232 com-
mands for RSA-1.0s.
New RS232 Commands can be quickly added to the EZ-Tools CMD Library. ASCII text strings of up to 100 characters can be
added when either the ASCII or HEX code is known. Additionally, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, Character Delay,
Response Length and Response Timeout can be set to assure proper performance of these control commands. ASCII, HEX
and other code parameters can typically be found in product manuals or on manufacturers web sites. It may be necessary on
occasion to contact a particular manufacturer’s tech support to get this information.
In some cases, the EZ-Tools CMD Library will already have IR codes or possibly some RS232 Commands for a particular Brand,
Component and Model, and all that need be done is to add a couple of RS232 commands. In other cases, the Brand, Com-
ponent and Model for which RS232 commands are required may not be in the CMD Library. Start with the appropriate step
for the specifi c command(s) being added.
1. With EZ-Tools running, open the project for which the new RS232 Commands are required. (If not ready to program a
specifi c project, open any EZ-Tools project.)
2. Left
CMD Library Tab
3. If the Brand name does not already exist, right click within the Brands space and left click
“New Brand”
. Type in the
new brand name and click
4. Right click the empty space below the brand name and left click
“New Component”
. Type in the new component
name (i.e.
) and click
5. Right click the new (Projector) folder and left click
“New Model”
. Type in the new model name (the model # of the com-
ponent or it’s remote, i.e.,
) and click
6. Right click the new model # folder (i.e., VX-2c). Go to
“New Commands”
and left click
“RS232 Serial Commands”
Type in command name (i.e.,
) and left click right arrows (>>) to put the name in the New Command List. Type in a
complete list of command names (i.e., ON, OFF, COMPOSITE, S VIDEO 1, S VIDEO 2, etc.) as needed. (Refer to
7. When all new command names have been added to the New Command List, click
8. The
Command Properties Window
will open automatically, with the fi rst new command already placed in the
Command Name fi eld. (i.e. ON) (Refer to
Figure 10