Operating Manual
with this condition the Company shall be entitled immediately after giving notice of its intention to repossess any goods to enter upon
the premises of the customer with such transport as may be necessary and to repossess any goods to which it has title under this
condition. No liquidator, receiver, administrator or administrative receiver of the customer shall have authority to sell goods to which
the Company has title without the prior written consent of the Company.
Insolvency of Customer
If the customer being a body corporate, shall pass a resolution or suffer an order of the Court to be made for winding
– up, or if a
Receiver, Administrator or Administrative Receiver shall be appointed or, being an individual or partnership, shall suspend payment ,
propose or enter into any composition or arrangement with his or their creditors, or have a bankruptcy order made against him or
them, then the Company shall have the right, without prejudice to any other contract with the customer, not to proceed further with
the contract and shall be entitled to charge for work already carried out ( whether completed or not) and for goods and materials
already purchased for the customer such charge to be an immediate debt due from the customer.
Patent Rights, etc
The acceptance of a quotation includes the recognition by the customer of the Company under any patents, trademarks, registered
designs or other intellectual property rights relating to the goods and the customer undertakes that patent numbers, trademarks or
other trade markings on goods supplied shall not be obliterated, altered or defaced.
Applicable Law
These conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and parties acknowledge and accept the
exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.