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1. Turning on the telephone for the first time
1.1. Telephone preparation
1.2. Initial start up
1.3. End screen text size adjustment and Easy
Mode explanation
2. SPC Easy Mode
2.1. Enable Easy Mode/Application “Mode”
2.2. Main screen and Applications
2.3. Move applications around and place
applications on the home screen
2.4. Favourite contacts: Where they are, how to
create them and how to put a photo on them
3. Shortcuts Application
3.1. List of settings available in this App
4. Physical keys
4.1. Hang up and pick up button
4.2. Home and Back button
4.3. Flashlight button
4.4. SOS button
5. SOS function
5.1. What is it and how does it work?
5.2. How to configure it
5.3. What happens when I press the button?
5.4. How to stop the call in case of error?
6. Smart Help
6.1. Remote setup
6.2. Smart notifications
6.3. Smart ringer
7. Base and Charging
7.1. Led light
7.2. Charging base (ZEUS 4G PRO)