Contrary to EPUB and previous mentioned formats, the
PDF format (Portable Document Format) is a format that
has been developed by Adobe Systems. This is a special
format, which provides a rigid structure to the document,
with a set page size in addition to other elements that
subsequently cannot be changed, such as the text size
for example, the text it’s part of the file and it can’t be
For this reason, if the PDF document doesn’t have an
appropiate size page for the reader’s screen, it won’t be
possible to read the document with ease and the FONT
SIZE function will be limited.
To counter this PDF file issue, the reader can also open
files in the following formats: EPUB/FB2/TXT/RTF/MOBI.
The “Calibre” format converter can be used to convert the
file into any of these formats.
NOTE: The PDF files are made up of thousand of characters so it
is normal for the device to take a few seconds to load such files
as it has to convert them and adjust them to fit the screen. All will
depend on the file size. The files should not be larger than 5MB.
Press button (5) to access the book reading sub menu.