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Valvola 4 vie
Allarme supplementare
Excess Flow valve
* Gli apparecchi sono certificati per l’uso con bombole in acciaio prodotte da Worthington
, ECS e con bombole in materiale composito
prodotte da Luxfer e CTS. Le bombole sono dotate di valvole prodotte da SAN-O-SUB.
Per parti di ricambio ed accessori non presenti in questo elenco, contattare il servizio clienti di SPASCIANI.
ATTENZIONE: in virtù dei raccordi standard conformi alle norme EN 144 si possono impiegare altre bombole, oltre a
quelle qui previste e descritte, in via del tutto eccezionale ed esclusivamente in situazioni di emergenza (qualora le
bombole in dotazione non fossero disponibili).
L’utilizzatore dovrà verificare la rispondenza delle attrezzature in pressione ai requisiti imposti dalle legislazioni vigent
in campo di recipienti ad alta pressione e relativi accessori e la compatibilità, anche costruttiva (per esempio raccordi
e ingombri massimi), delle bombole con gli apparecchi stessi.
SPASCIANI SPA non si assume alcuna responsabilità per l’eventuale assemblaggio
non autorizzato di bombole non
fornite dalla stessa e non richiamate nel presente manuale, o comunque per ogni eventuale assemblaggio effettuato
in maniera difforme da quanto specificatamente riportato nel seguente manuale.
Strictly follow the instructions contained in this manual to make sure the personal protective equipment (PPE as
defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/425) described herein is used appropriately.
SPASCIANI S.p.A. will not be liable for damage caused as a result of:
-failure to comply with this manual
-failure to use the device as intended, i.e. for uses other than the ones described in this manual
-failure to use authorized personnel to carry out the repair and replacement operations or failure to use non-original
spare parts. All the information reported in this instruction manual was carefully reviewed. SPASCIANI S.p.A. will
nonetheless not be liable for any errors or misinterpretations and thus reserves the right to modify all or part of the
technical features of its products without prior notice.
Product overview
The SPASCIANI RN MINI device is a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) that uses an open circuit breathing
system, not depending from the environment.
The breathable air is supplied to the user from a cylinder of compressed air by means of a pressure reducer and an
automatic demand valve connected to the mask; exhaled air flows to the ambient atmosphere through the exhalation
valve without recirculation inside the mask.
The series in compatible with a wide range of compressed air cylinders, full face masks and demand valves, as well as
with various accessories.
Feature description
SPASCIANI RN MINI self-contained breathing apparatuses are classified, in accordance with the EN 137:2006 standard,
as follows:
-Type 1: device for industrial use.
Each apparatus shall be assembled in different approved configuration (e.g. steel or composite cylinder, TR 82 or TR
2002 full face mask with type A or BN demand valve, different accessories) as described in the
(See table
Intended use, limitations
The RN MINI SCBA, complete with cylinder, mask and demand valve in the combinations described by the
is intended for use in case of emergency and for the industrial applications that require a high level of respiratory
protection as a result of very polluted environments or lack of oxygen.
The RN MINI are lightweight apparatus, intended for short interventions and equipped with a small and compact back-
plate carrying system to allow operators to easily access confined spaces.