1. Daily maintenance is required to ensure that the tool is kept in good working condition.
2. Do not store the tool in a humid environment.
3. Wipe away any excess oil with a soapy cloth.
4. Provided that maintenance of the tool is carried out regularly, the tool should provide
many years of service.
5. Should you experience any difficulty with the operation and maintenance of this tool,
contact Huskie’s technical support department at 1-800-860-6170.
1. Select the appropriate compression die set for the connector and cable being used.
The “U” style Huskie HT41-series dies are to be used with the EP-430
2. To insert the dies, depress the die release pin on the ram, and slide die into place.
Then, depress release pin on “C” head as well and slide other die half in place. Be sure
both die halves are secure before operating the tool.
3. Position the connector between the dies and pump tool handle until the connector is
held in place. Fully insert the cable into the barrel of the connector.
4. Continue to pump the tool handle and completely crimp the connector. These tools
all have a built in by-pass cartridge that will automatically activate when full pressure
is reached. There will be a notice-able decrease in handle pressure when the by-pass
is reached. a high pitched squeaking sound is normal when the tool is operating in the
high pressure stage.
5. To release the tool, lift pump handle out and rotate clockwise until handle stops. With
handle twisted, push down so the pin on the handle contacts the release pin on the
tool body. The ram will retract and the tool is ready to begin its next cycle. In the event
the tool will not release due to excess flash, hold release pin down with handle and pry
tool jaws apart.
6. A compression gauge, model PG-4 is available for the EP-430 for checking output pres-
sure. Consult factory for proper adjusting procedure.